1 Flashcards
the crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born
what was the response to the financial crash 2008 regarding the state and how is it paradoxical?
- bringing the state back in?
- its been here all along
- there is no two distinct seperate modes of organisation
- the regulative centr eof the economy is the state and has always been the state
economic crisis/financial crisis/ political crisis?
- all crises are political
- a political crisis is a crisis of a distinct mode of social organisation
previous capitalist crisis
- 1873-1879 in america, however lasted two decades of stagnation in uk and france - laissez faire capitalism
- 1929 the great deppression and the new deal which lasted til a new economic model was agreed upon post world war two - bretton woods/post war consensus/Keynesian economics
- 1973 til 1975 three day week in UK and winter of discontent til thatcher 79 and reagan 81
Duménil and Lévy
“the contemporary crisis marks the beginning of a similar process of transition”
Davidson - on crisis
“all crises in previous phases have begun with the crises of the current phase which is continued for several years as the system is reconstructed”
“instead of a moment of exception precipitating a turning point, crisis becomes a normalised semi permanent condition”
there has been no transformative revelation
Colin Crouch
the strange non death of neoliberalism
Davidson - on neoliberal success
the success of neoliberalism has weakened the capacity of capitalist states to act in the interest of national capital
the hegemony of neoliberalism is demonstrated precisely by the fact that its policies survived the electoral defeat of the parties that inagaurated it
ideology destroys sane economics
There is no seperate economic motive
how did margaret thatcher label neoliberalism
- as - “there is no alternative”
- supposedly about freedom and choice though
The Guardian on wealth of the rich in the neoliberal era
Economic growth has been markedly slower in the neoliberal era than it was in the preceding decades; but not for the very rich. Inequality in the distribution of both income and wealth, after 60 years of decline, rose rapidly in this era, due to the smashing of trade unions, tax reductions, rising rents, privatisation and deregulation.