1 Flashcards
Billy and John drinking in the skate park.
They see simon.
Approach him, Billy corners him and demands for his skateboard or will smash his sister sitting nearby. Simon tells Billy to fuck off. John punches simon in the face, simon falls. Simon gets up and takes off with his skate board. Billy chases him down the road but doesn’t catch him.
Assault with intent to rob being together with Sec 236(1)(c)
Bill and Jane in a defacto relationship.
Jane works at a café.
Bill rocks up at the café because he thinks that Jane is being unfaithful. Bill yells at everyone to get out whilst throwing chairs around.
Everyone evacuates and Jane tries to run out the door.
Bill grabs Jane and locks the back door.
Bill abuses and assaults Jane for about 30 mins in the café.
Kidnaping Sec 209(b) (Confined not imprisoned)
Define GBH - Case law
Bodily harm needs no explanation and bodily hard means no more and no less than really serious
What are the factors that increase the charge from robbery to being aggravated.
- Robs any person and at the time of, or immediately before, or after, the robbery causes GBH to any person.
- Being together with any other person, robs any person.
What are the factors that increase the charge from robbery to being aggravated.
- Robs any person and at the time of, or immediately before, or after, the robbery causes GBH to any person.
- Being together with any other person, robs any person.
- Being armed with any offensive weapon, instrument or anything appearing to be an offensive weapon, instrument, robs any person.
What must the prosecuton prove against smeone who abducts a young person under section 210(2)
- The acused received a person under age 16 AND
- The receiving was deliberate or intential AND
- The acused knew that the young person had bee unlawfully taken, enticed away or detained by another, from a person who had lawful possession of the young person AND
- The accused intended by reason of the receiving to deprive the person with lawful care of possession of that young person.
Difference between migrant smuggling and people trafficing
Migrant smuggling involves a person who has freely consented to be brought into NZ as an illegal immigrant and
People trafficking involves a person who is brought into NZ by eans of coercion and/or deception
Difference between Sec 188(1) and 188(2)
Same outcome, different intent
Some chick befriended an old lady, chick finds out that the old lady has a lot of cash in her bank acc. demands for the lady to give up the pin number or she’ll tell her family not to have anything to do with her anymore.
Demands with intent to steal
Secondary intent
Offender believes those consequences can happen
Circumstantial evidence
Offenders conduct and words during the incident
Claim of right (Black mail)
The proprietary right in property related to the offence committed.
Sec 198Atrespassing on private property, is it acting in the course of his or her duty?
What is heldin R v Crossan?
A) A mere threat constitutes violent means.
B) ??
C) A combination of threats and violence constitutes violent means
Define GBH
Bodily harm needs no explanation and grevious means no more and no less that really serious - DPP v SMITH
Define Wounds
A breaking of the skin would be commonly regarded as a characteristic of a wound. The breaking of the skin will be normally evidenced by a flow of blood and in its occurrence at the site of a blow or impact, the wound will more often than not be external. But there are those cases where the bleeding which evidences the separation of tissues may be internal - R v WATERS
Define Maims
Will involve mutilation, crippling or disabling part of the body so victim is deprived of the use of a limb or one of the senses. Neds to be some degree of permanence.
Define disfigures
To disfigure means to deform or deface, to mar or alter the figure or appearance of a person.
Disfigures case law
The word disfigures not only covers permanent damage but also temporary damage.
Define Injures
Injures means to cause actual bodily harm.
Bodily harm case law
R v Donovan
Bodily harm includes and hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the victim, it need not be permanent but must, no doubt be more than merely transitory or trifling.