1-7 Flashcards
Spolieha sa na podporu svojich rodicov?
Does he rely on his parents for support?
Kto organizuje tuto party?
Who oranized the party?
týkajú sa slovesa ,enjoy?
relating to the verb enjoy
Mali sme nejaku poštu rano?
Did we have any post/letters this morning?
Prečo predstieral že je policajt keď jasne nebol?
why did he pretend to be a police officer when clearly he wasn’t?
Mozes vyhladat vyznam v slovniku
you can look up the meaning in a dictionary
snaz sa hadat vyznam z kontextu
you try to guess the meaning from the context
ty budes musiet ukazat oficialne dokumenty na ambasade ako je pas alebo obciansky
you will have to show an official document at the embassy such as a passport or identity card
nie vobec nie
no not at all
poslal som sek postou
I sent the cheque(ček) by post
velka suma penazi
large amount of money
zdôrazniť ze
emphasis that
north west
south east
south west
north east
south east
lybia je jedno z najhorucejsich miest na svete
libya is one of the hottest places in the world
cesty boli pokryte snehom
the roads were covered with snow
jedno z najchladnejsich miest na zemi
one of the coldest places on earth
krajina je krasna
landscape is beautiful
dve tretiny z povrchu zeme je pokryte vodou
two third of the surface of the earth is covered in water
vietor fuka
the wind blew
lialo ako z krhle
it was pouring with rain
husta hmla
thick fog
obloha je skutocne jasna
the sky is really clear
silny vietor spôsobil problemy
strong wind caused problems
slabý dazd
light rain
bolo extremne veterno
it was extremely windy
slnko vyjde
the sun will come out
obloha je velmi zamracena
the sky is very cloudy
bolo hmlisto
it was foggy
pomerne mierne v porovnani s predchadzajucim rokom
quite mild compared with last year
je čoraz vlhkejšie a veternejšie mohli by sme mat hromy coskoro
it is getting humid and windy we could have a thunderstorm soon
moze nam (mozeme dostat dazd) zaprsat dnes popoludni
we may get shower this afternoon
ulice su mokre
the streets are wet
aka je teplota dnes ?
what is the temperature today?
je slnecno
it shine