1 Flashcards
با if و wish هميشه were بكار ميره
If I were in charge
Happen اصلا مجهول بكار نميره
فعل لازم مجهول بكار نميرود
What happened?
Used to
عادتى كه قبلا داشتى و الان ندارى
We used to be disciplined
I wish I would
غلط است
با I would بكار نميره
Any + اسم جمع
How + adjective
How long is it?
Get angry
Enjoy + noun
+ verb + ing
بعد از suggest و recommend و insist مفعول ضميرى نميايد
Suggest + verb + ing
That + جمله
He suggests me
What places do you suggest I visit
Could you ask her to + verb
Could you tell him that + جمله كامل
وقتى در مورد واقعه اى در گذشته صحبت ميشه
I should have + pp
If I were instead of you I should have been polite
As + many or much + noun + as
It doesnt have as many rooms as that
با wish فعل به صورت گذشته بكار ميره
I wish she liked my friend
She wishes she were taller
I wish my parents would stop worrying about me
My book is the same as yours
My book is as same as yours
There didnt use to be as many shopping center in tehran as now
Tehran didnt use to have as many as now