1 Flashcards
valetudo, inis, f
state of health (usu bad); illness -> losing valour
obruo, ere, rui, tum
overwhelm, cover
ad unum omnes
without exception
reperio, ire, repperi, repertum
find out, learn
instar (+gen)
as big as
mulceo, ere, mulsi, mulsum
soothe, appease
saevio, ire, ii, itum
am fierce, am in a rage
poena capitis, poenae capitis f
penalty, death
succedo, ere, cessi, cessum
go under, follow, succeed
fungor, i, functus sum
perform - not anything to do with duty lily!!
luctor, ari, atus sum
struggle - -> struggle reLUCTantly
excidium ii, n
principatus, us, m
rule, supremacy
signa moveo etc…
march, change position
adicio, ere, ieci, iectum
throw to, add -. pretty obvious????!!!
instituo, ere, ui, utum
establish, begin
foveo, ere, fori, fotum
warm, cherish
aerarium, ii, n
praeter spem
sollicito, are, avi, atum
harass, disturb
solum, i, n
earth, ground
consero, ere, serui, sertum
join together, engage in battle
pigritia ae, f
slowness, sluggishness -> think piger
lacesso, ere, i(v)i, itum
vasa, orum n. pl
equipment, kit -> have you got the vast, kit?
sumptus, us, m
afficio, ere, feci, fectum
affect, move, influence
comperio, ire, peri, pertum
find out, learn
adigo, ere, egi, actum
thrust, drive, stab
molior, iri, itus sum
strive, labour at -> molly strives to work
inritus, a, um
futile, worthless, ineffectual
voluptas, atis, f
pleasure -> voluptuous amounts of it too!
promo, ere, prompsi, promptus
bring out, produce - promotion brings people out of homes to by the produce