1 Flashcards
10% Plan
Lincoln’s blueprints for reconstruction; specified that a southern state could be readmitted to the union if 10% of its register voters took an oath of alligiance to the union; could then elect delegates to draft a revised state constitution and establish new state gov
Thirteenth Amendment
officially abolished slavery in 1865; lincoln was convinced that abolition became a sound military strategy as well as the correct path morally; union victory came and lincoln then issued the emancipation proclomation after gained the political cover from the tactical war in the battle of antietam
Fourteenth Amendment
Granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the US” which included all former slaves; also forbade states from denying any person “life, liberty or property, without due process of law”; expanded the protection of civil rights to all americans; ratified in July 1868
15 amendment
Granted african american men the right to vote; stated that all citizens had the right to vote on account of race, coulor, or previous condition of servitude; ratified in March 1870
20 negro law
Aka the second conscription act; passed on oct 11 1862; exempts from confederate draft that one white male for every 20 slaves on plantation; used to ensure enough white males remain behind to prevent slave revolts, especially after lincoln announced the emancipation proclomation
Alabama Claims
Brought by the US against GB for the damage caused by confederate warships built in liverpool during the civil war; british foreign enlistment act of 1819 forbade construction and outfitting of foreign warships
American System
economic prograb created by Henry Clay; envisioned a protective tariff, a national bank joinly owned by private stockholders and the fed gov, and public subsidies for transportation projects; intended to promote economic development, and diversification, reduce dependency on imports and tie together the different sections of the country
Angelina and Sarah Grimke
Bor in upper-class south and rejected their luxurious lifestyle to fight against slavery; saw that abolition and womens rights were connected
Anothony Burns
Slave from virginia who escaped to bonston at age of 19 in 1854; fugitive slave act allowed it so that he could be hunted down and brought back to slavery; went to court whne found and was arrested; many bostonians stormed the court and ended up killing one and fatally stabbing another
1862; first battle of american civil war to be fought on northern soil; known as the bloodiest battle of the civil war; the tactical victory gave lincoln the political cover needed to announce the emancipation proclamation; remained inconclusive
Beecher’s bible
Name given to the breech long sharps riffle that were supplied to the anti-slavery immigrants in kansas; inspired by the abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher
Black codes
Passed by southern states in 1865 and 1866 after the civil war; had the intent and the effect of restricting AA’s freedom and of compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt
Bland Allison Act
1878; required the us treasure to buy a certain amount of silver and put it into circulation as silver dollars; first of several subsidies to silver prodersers in the depression periods. Required gov to buy between $2 and $4 million worth of silver; created a partial dual coinage system referring to as “limping bimetallism”; repealed in 1900
Bleeding Kansas
Border war w a series of political confrontations involving anti slavery and pro slaver; led to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 that called for popular sovereignty(decision about slavery made up by the settlers); didnt know if kansas should be pro or anti slaver, and thus entered it to the union as a free state or a slave state.
Brook Farm
A utopian experimant in communal living in the 1840s; was founded by former Unitarian minister George Ripley and his wife Sophia Ripley;inspired by the idels of transcendentalism, a religious cultural philosophy based in NE; founded as a joint stock company and promised its participants a portion of its profits from the farm in exchange for performing an equal share of work
Norherner whomoved to the south after the civil war, during the reconstruction era; many white southerners denounced them, fearing they would plunder the defeated south and be politically allied with the radical republicans; went to the south for economic purposes
Charles Sumner
Was leader of the anti slavery forces in massachusettes and leader of the radical republicans in the US senate; worked to destroy confederacy,free slaves, and keep on good terms w Europe; nearly killed by Preston Brooks on the senate floor two days after sumner delivered and intesely antislavery speach called “The crime againist kansas”
Clement Vallandigham
Leader of the copperhead faction of antiwar democrats during the vicil war; served two terms in the US House of Representatives; convicted at an army court martial of opposing the war, and exiled to the Confederacy; ran for gov of ohio in 1864 from exile in canada but was defeated
Commonwealth vs. Hunt
1842; case in the Massachusetts supreme judicial court on the subject of labor unions; before, the legality of labor combinatinos was unsure; Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw ruled that labor combinations were legal provided that they were organized for a legal purpose and used legal means to achieve their goals
Compromise of 1850
Package of 5 seperate bills passed by the US congress; defused a 4year political confrontation between slave and free states regarding the status of the territories acquired during the Mexican American War; drafted by Henry Clay; 1)south prevented adoption of wilmot proiso that would have outlawed slavery in new territories 2)slave trade was banned in district of columbia 3)more stringent fugitive slave law was enacted 4) cali was admitted as a free state w its current boundries 5)texas surrendered its claim to NM as well as its claims north of the Missouri Compromise line
Compromise of 1877
Informal and unwritten deal that settled the 1876 US presidential election; resulted in the US federal gov pulling the last troops out of the south, and formally ended the reconstruction era; Rutherford B Hayes was awardedthe white house over Tilden on understanding that Hayes would remove the federal troops whose support was essential for the survival of republican state gov
Confiscation Acts and Emancipation
Laws passed by the US congress during the CW w the intention of freeing the slaves still held by the ocnfederate forces; meant that all slaves that fought or worked for the Confederate military were confiscated whenever court proceedings “condemned” them as property used to support rebellion; passed by Lincoln in August 1861
Conscience Whigs
Faction of the whig party in the state of massachusetts noted for their moral opposition to slavery; leaders where Charles Sumner, Henry Wilson, and Charles Francis Adams; split from the Whig party in 1848 when the national party nominated the slave-owning General Zachary Taylor for president, and played a role inthe creation of the new Free Soil Party
Cotton Whigs
Members of the northernn whig party about 1850 especially in massachusetts who favored a conciliatory policy towards the south
Crittendon Proposal
Unsuccessful proposal introduced by John J. Crittenden in Dec 1969; aimed to reslove the secession crisis of 1860-1861 by adressing the fears and grievances about slavery that led many slave-holding states to contemplate secession from the US; proposed 6 constitutional amendments and 4 congressional resolutions; guaranteed the permanent existence of slavery in the slave states and adressed southern demands in regard to fugitive slaves and slavery in district of columbia; popular among southern senators but generally unacceptable to the republicans
Crop Lien System
Credit system that was widely used by cotton farmers from the 1860s - 1930s; sharecroppers and tenant farmers who did not own the land they worked obtained supplies and food on credit from local merchants; the merchants held a lien on the cotton crop and the merchants and landowners ere the first ones paid from its sale
Cyrus McComrick
American inventor and businessperson who founded McCormick Harvesting Machine Company; one of several inventors who contributed to the successful models of the mechanical reaper in the 1830s
Homestead Act
Several US federal laws that gave applicant ownership of land at little to no cost; more than 270 millionacres of public lan or nearly 10% of the total area of the US was given away for free to 1.6 million homesteaders
Horace Mann
Education reform movement; dedicated to modernization fo the US society; argued that universal education was the best way to educate unruly american children into discipline;university standardization - testing, textbooks, cirriculam, grade levels
James Fenimore Cooper
Created a unique form of american literature; attnded yale university for 3 years and expelled for misbehavior; served in the US navy which influenced many of his novels and other writings
James K. Polk
11th president of the US (Democrat); achieved a victory in the Mexican-American War, which resulted inthe cession by Mexico of nearly the whole of what is now the Southwest; ensured substation reductino of tariff rates by replacing the “black tariff” with the walker tariff (1846) which pleased the less-industrialized states of the south by rendering less expensive both imported and domestic goods
Jerry rescue
Oct 1, 1851; involved the public rescue of a fugitive slave who had been arrested the same day in Syracuse, NY during the anti-slavery Liberty Party’s state convention; the slave that was rescued was William Henry; NY was a free state and there was a huge fight wagainst slavery in CNY and the Finger Lakes; CNY became an active center for the abolition movement bc of the influence of Gerrit Smith and a group allied with him
John Brown
Abolitionist who believed armed insurrection was only way to overthrow the institution of slavery. In the US; first gained attentin when he led a small group of volunteers during the Bleeding Kansas crisis of 1856; led a group of 21 men in a raid on the arsenal, five were black, three free, one freed black,and one fugitive; attacked and captured several buildings hoping to use captured weapons to initiate slave uprising throughout the south
John C. Calhoun
Best remembered for being a strong defender of slavery and for advancing the concept of minority rights in politics which he did in th econtext of defending southern values from percieved northern threats; was a leading proponant of states’ rights, limited government, nullification, adn opposition to high tariffs; strongly supported the war of 1812 to defend American honor against British infractions of American independence and neutrality during the Napoleonic Wars
John Deere
Failed blacksmith when he created his first steel plow; made farming the midwest possible, and farmers could easily buy steel plows, saving time of the farmersand money for the customers buying crops from the farmers
John Freemont
Led four expeditions into the american west; major in the US army during the Mexican American War, took control of Cali from the Cali Repub in 1846; convicted in court martial for mutiny and insubordination; led the fourth expedition which cost ten lives, seeking a rail route over the moutains around the 38th parrallel in the winter of 1849; retired from military services and settled in Cali when he came upon massive amounts of wealth due to the Cali Gold Rush
John O’Sullivan
American columnist and editor who used the term “manifest destiny” in 1845 to promote the annexation of texas and the Oregon country; was an influential political writer and advocate of the Dem party
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Created territories of kansas and nebraska and was drafted by Dem senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois and Pres Franklin Pierce; initial purpose was to open up thousands of new farms and make feasible a midwestern transcontinental railroad; pop sovereignty clause of the law led pro and anti slavery elements to flood into kansas with the goal of voting slavery up or down; this resulted in Bleeding Kansas