1 Flashcards
what is the pension component for I/S
SIR AGE current service cost \+ interest expense ( discount rate ) - return on plan asset \+ amortization of prior service cost \+ (gain) loss \+ amortization of existing net obligation or net asset = Net periodic pension cost
DR net periodic pension cost (End)
Cr pension liabilities ( current)
how to compute the interest cost
= beginning BPO * discount rate
how to compute the rate on plan asset
two ways either
1- actual rate of return
Beg. FV of plan asset \+ contribution \+ actual rate of return - benefit paid = Ending FV of plan asset
2- expected return on plan asset
Beg. FV of plan asset
* expected rate of return on plan asset
= expected rate of return on plan asset
how to compute the amortization of unrecognized prior service cost
= Beg unrecognized prior service cost
/ average remaining service life
note that the unamortized is in OCI
how to compute the Gain or Loss
either by recognize immediately on IS
or recognize on OCI by amortization using corridor approach
unrecognized gain or loss ( beg.) - 10% greater of PBO or market related value ( Beg) = the excess / average remaining life = amortization
how to compute the Exiting net obligation / net asset
PBO - FV = initial unfunded obligation / greater of 15 years or average service years = amortization
not that AGE in OCI
In B/S what amount we used
1- funded statue which is FV of plan asset - PBO = funded staues
how to adjust the fund statue
Beg fund statue ( pension asset/ liability ) \+ contribution - service cost - interest expense \+ expected rate of return - prior service cost \+ gain - net loss = ending fund statues
what is the journal entries used for pension plan
1- for contribution in the Beg
Dr pension benefit liability
Cr Cah
2- to report SIR
Dr periodic benefit cost
CR pension liability ( current)
DR deferred tax asset
Cr deferred tax benefit ( IS)
3- to report the amortized prior service the same entry for the gain / loss and the Existing net transition
Dr net periodic cost
DR deferred tax benfit OCI
Cr deferred tax benefit IS
A public entity that sponsors a defined benefit pension plan must disclose in the notes to its financial statements a reconciliation of
One of the required disclosures by a public entity with a defined benefit pension plan is a reconciliation of the beginning and ending balances of the PBO. It should display separately the effects during the period of (1) service cost, (2) interest cost, (3) participants’ contributions, (4) actuarial gains and losses, (5) foreign currency exchange rate changes, (6) benefits paid, (7) plan amendments, (8) business combinations, (9) divestitures, (10) curtailments, (11) settlements, and (12) special termination benefits.
how to compute the PBO
Beg. PBO \+ service cost \+ interest expense \+ prior service cost \+ actuarial loss - actuarial gain - benefit paid = End PBO
Which statement is true regarding a defined benefit pension plan?
A defined benefit plan defines an amount of pension benefits to be provided to each employee. This amount depends on future events, such as (1) how long the employee lives, (2) how many years of service the employee renders, and (3) the employee’s compensation before retirement. Many of these events cannot be controlled by the employer.
Under IFRS, how is the discount rate for pensions determined?
This answer is correct because the discount rate to be used for pension accounting is determined by the market yield at the end of the reporting period for high-quality corporate bonds having a similar term or maturity.
The interest cost component of the NPPBC is the
Interest cost reflects the change in the APBO during the period resulting solely from the passage of time. It equals the APBO at the beginning of the period times the assumed discount rate used in determining the present value of future cash outflows currently expected to be required to satisfy the obligation.
Under IFRS, what amount of remeasurement of plan assets is recognized in Year 1?
The remeasurement of plan assets for the period is the return on plan assets, excluding interest income on plan assets. Remeasurement of plan assets can be calculated from the plan assets equation.
fair value of plan assets January 1, Year 1
Contribution on December 31, Year 1
Benefits paid on December 31, Year 1
Interest income on plan assets ($50,000 × 5%)
Remeasurement of plan assets
Fair value of plan assets December 31, Year 1
What is the present value of all future retirement payments attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee services rendered prior to that date only?
the present value of future retirement payments attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee services rendered prior to that date is the accumulated benefit obligation, which is based on current salaries.