1 Flashcards
Reasons for ad research
Plays a key role in decision making, adds confidence to spend money, helps marketers better understand (product, competition, industry, consumers etc.), part of a systematic approach to solving problems for clients.
systematic approach
same method or plan
What is marketing?
the process of planning and executing to conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services.
4 P’s
Product, Price, Place, Promotion
Stages of Research development (3)
- Identify needs
- Plan and collect data (cost, timing, how, who, where)
- Apply the findings (analyze data a report results)
Integrated Marketing Communication - Speak to consumers with a consistent voice
secondary research
Info that has been previously gathered by others. Always start with first to see if what you need is already available.
IMC tools
PR, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Interactive Marketing, Personal Selling
Primary Research
Original information (surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc) Own personal experience
Broader, numerical info that is statistically reliable and projectable
In-depth, non-numeric info. Consumer’s attitudes, feelings, beliefs. Attempts to find out why.
Direct Marketing
Direct mail, telemarketing, mail order catalogs, etc.
Sales Promo
Incentive (BOGO, coupon, samples, sweepstakes) measureable
Interactive Marketing
Internet, TV, kiosks. Allows for a back and forth flow of info.
Sales Promo
Incentive (BOGO, coupon, samples, sweepstakes) measurable
Request for proposal. Write a situation analysis and seek out secondary info to aid creative development.
Request for proposal. Write a situation analysis and seek out secondary info to aid creative development.
Creative Strategy Brief
Describes the way you plan to sell the product. The road map for creative team.
Focuses on exactly you trying to achieve. Good objectives are measurable, have a time frame, and include the audience.
Plan of attack, how to accomplish your objectives.
Actual executions, making the plan come to life.
What two objectives do we look for in planning and buying?
Reach and frequency
Consumer Responses
Rational/Cognitive , Emotional/Affective, Behavioral/Conative
O’Toole’s 3 point approach to strategy
- Who or what is the competition?
- Who are you talking about?
- What do you want them to know, understand, and feel? (how does your brand address a human need)
Rational Motives/Needs
Comfort, convenience, economy, health, quality, dependability, performance
Emotional Appeals (Personal states)
Achievement, actualization, ambition, comfort, excitement, fear, joy, love.
Emotional Appeals (Social based feelings)
Acceptance, approval, embarrassment, rejection, involvement, respect, status.
DDB Needham;s focus on basic human needs
examines emotional and retinal rewards of using a product
Creative Brief Example (6 parts)
objective target audience message theme support constraints tone/personality
McCann-Erickson’s Approach
Complete the brief from the point-of-view of the consumer (get inside their head)
Consumer Behavior - attention, interaction, desire, action
FCB Grid
High involvement products and low involvement products (T-B). Rational and emotional products (L-R).
Return on Investment
a new combination of old elements
creative advertising
presents a selling idea in an unexpected way
Steps to an idea (3)
1 Preparation
2 Ideation
3 Conclusion
Common components of a print ad (7)
1 Headline 2 Subhead (or pre head or kicker) 3 Body copy (intro, features, benefits, call to action and connect back to headline or theme) 4 Visual (photo or art) 5 Logo 6 Slogan 7 Mandatories
2 categories of head lines
Direct and indirect/blind
Direct benefit headline
states the most important benefit
Reverse Benefit headline
You’ll be worse off without the advertised product
Factual Headline
Using interesting facts to get attention
Selective/Demographic headline
Target a certain group by using words or ideas that refer to them
Curiosity headline
Indirect approach that tempts readers with a hint of information
News Headline
Presents strong feature in a clear no nonsense way, something is new
Command/Directive headline
Tells the reader what to do
Question/Interrogatory headline
Ask the reader a question
Repetition headline
Repeating lines for emphasis
Testimonial/quotation headline
in quotes or written as if spoken by the person
Alliterative headline
first letter or consonants in the words sound the same
Verbless headline
use just nouns or just adjectives
Wordplay headline
unexpected turns or phrases
Metaphors, similes, analogies headline
Metaphor: takes the characteristic of one thing and associates it with another
Simile: states that one thing is “like” another
Analogies: compare two things on the basis of a similar feature
Parallel construction headline
repeat the structure of a phrase or sentence
Rhyme headline
increases memorability, repetition of sound
Emotional headline
appeal to readers emotions, be realistic and down to earth
Horn-blowing headline
brag, boast, use superlatives
physical grouping of all the elements in an ad as originally conceived by the art director
Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor
Sales promotion
The use of any incentive by a manufacturer to induce the trade (wholesalers and retailers) and/or consumers to buy a brand and to encourage the sales force to aggressively sell it.
agency structure and functions
account management
media planning and placement
advantages of newspaper advertising
Credibility, Affluent, educated readers, Short lead time, Flexibility (size, color, sections), Measurability (especially with coupons), Reaches a specific geographic market, Reasonable cost, Pass-along readership
advantages of magazine advertising
Aimed at specific groups of readers, High readership among adults and young adults, Quality reproduction and the ability to be artistic/creative, Regional editions available, Boosts brand awareness, Long life, Pass-along readership
layout levels/steps
layout formats (9)
1 Mondrian- rectangles within rectangles 2 Picture Window 3 Copy Heavy 4 Frame 5 Circus - Lively disorderly design 6 Multi panel - comic strip technique 7 Silhouette - text outlines the image 8 Big Type 9 Rebus - "read through images"
Communication tools, have influence, create emotion
design principles
line shape emphasis/hierarchy visual weight balance formal balance asymmetrical balance optical center proportion sequence/direction/eye-flow unity harmony texture spatiality rhythm color
radio copywriting tools and tips
keep it simple, repeat idea, mention the advertiser’s name early and often, be descriptive, don’t use alliteration, make call to action, be conversational, use italics, ellipses, etc.
“theater of the mind,” hardest media to write for.
Advantages of radio (14)
1 Ability to reach a specific TA
2 Affordable
3 Frequency (same people listen to same stations, they can hear the messages again and again)
4 Flexibility (spots can be produced quickly)
5 High level of acceptance (don’t really mind the commercials)
6 Reminder or reinforcement
7 Uncomplicated
8 Omnipresent (it’s everywhere)
9 Friendly personable
10 Mental imagery
11 High amount of time spent listening (travel, work, cleaning)
12 Helps build top of mind awareness (create a familiar name)
13 Imagery Transfer (makes you think of TV commercial that relates to it - power of IMC)
14 Memory Benefits of sound
Disadvantages of radio
Audience is not always attentive
Types of Radio Commercials (10)
1 One Voice - announcer speaks to audience, pitch or straight commercial
2 Dialogue - convo between 2 people (often a “stooge”)
3 Multi-voice - a number a voices speaks to audience
4 Dramatization - a brief play or situation, product is introduced as solution
5 Musical Commercial - Jingle
6 Sound Device - sound is used intermittently to make a point
7 Vignette - series of situations linked by repetitive device
8 Interview
9 Endorsement - celebrity or sports star
10 Testimonial - comes from someone on the street
Musical Commercial types (3)
Pitch at the end is called - tag
Pitch in the middle is called - donut
Music under the spot as background possibly up at the end is called - the bed
Two type categories
Text/body type - content
Display type - headings, catch attention
additive color
mixing colors of light
computers and TVs use this
add up all colors to make white
subtractive color
mixing colors of pigment
add up all colors to make black
secondary colors
mixture of two primaries
primary colors
colors at their original essence
intermediate colors
mixing secondary and primary colors together
complementary colors
colors opposite to each other on the color wheel
analogous colors
colors next to each other on the color wheel
split complement colors
harmony matching a color to one or two of the colors adjacent to its complement
Triadic Color Harmony
Using three colors that are equidistant from one another on a color wheel
Tetradic Color Harmony
Using four colors that are equidistant from one another on a color wheel
Tetradic Split-Complimentary
Using two pairs of split complements that appear immediately adjacent to complementary colors on a color wheel
Monochromatic Color Harmony
Combining hues of a single color that have varying levels of value (variations of hue)
disadvantages of newspaper advertising
Clutter (Ads make up 60-70% of paper), Declining readership, Poor reach among the young, Short life span, Low quality paper/poor reproduction, Positioning in paper may be undesirable
disadvantages of magazine advertising
Higher rates, Reach may be difficult because there are many options in each category, Clutter, Long closing date