1-5 Flashcards
The stage of fire when the oxygen or fuel starts to diminish is called: _________ 6
Decay Stage
The action required when a backdraft situation is recognized is to? 9
Provide adequate ventilation above the fire
T. F. Pre-incident planing is a method of gathering facts about a building, or a process within a building. 12
T. F. Pe-incident planing lets a fire department evaluate conditions and situation in its area of responsibility prior to an emergency. 12
T. F. Historical data enables a fire department to select the most critical properties or specific problems in our community that should be pre-planned. 13
T. F. Pre-planing data should assist a fire department in analyzing potential problems and developing a plan of action based upon what may occur. 13
T. F. Responders should review and update pre-plan information during site visits. 14
T. F. The scheduling of multiple dates for site visitation so all fire department members can visit special pre-planned sites is not necessary since the data should be incorporated into company drills to permit a constant refreshment for all members. 14
T. F. Wire-glass windows may crack from radiant heat. 14
T. F. Smoke proof doors and smoke removal systems can assist in minimizing evacuation problems. 14
T. F. Resource utilization includes securing the services of outside agencies, such as the police, red cross, private security companies, public works, public health, utilities, or federal, state, or local agencies. 15
T. F. Outside agencies should not be used for evacuation purposes at incidents attended by the fire department. 15
Implementation of a pre-plan during a simulated exercise can be used to adjust the pre-plan. It is beneficial to know: 16
What problems the fire department encountered.
If the community was involved in the exercise , where there any problems?
Did the plan or facilities find any discrepancies in the plan?
According to the National Fire Academy’s fire flow formula, for a fire involving 25% of the first floor of a 3-story building that is 30 feet by 40 feet with exterior exposures on two sides the fire floor would be? 17-19
200 gallons per minute
Accordingly to the National Fire Academy’s fire flow formula, if an exterior exposure becomes involved in fire what amount of fire flow should be added to the original fire flow? 18
25% of the actual required fire flow fro the building on fire should be added to provide protection for each side of a building that has exterior exposures.
T. F. If the National Fire Academy’s fire flow requirements for water supply exceed the fire flow capability of available resources, a defensive mode of operations usually is required. 19
T. F. Situations will occur where the fire is attacking lightweight structural components and, though there is a sufficient water supply and resources at the scene, the conditions will be too dangerous for an offensive attack. 19
T. F. Company officers can be successful if they praise their firefighter’s good behavior publicly and criticize their mistakes privately. 20
T. F. A company officer, when reviewing a misdeed with a firefighter, must ensure that the discussion focuses on the mistake that was made and not become a discussion of personalities. 20
T. F. Safe procedures will occur on an incident scene if the company officer allows the firefighter to perform their assignments without interference from the company officer. 22
T. F. The implementation of safety in practice evolutions will carry over to the emergency scene. 22
T. F. Delegation permits subordinates to assume responsibility and to make decisions. It permits a supervisor to assess the skills of subordinates, and can lead to suggestions on how they can improve. 23
T. F. Delegation is a necessary training process whereby company officers can learn the duties and responsibilities of a chief officer. 23
T. F. The ability to command an incident scene takes preparation and development on the part of the Incident Commander. 25
T. F. Command is a demanding position that often needs decisions to be made by a committee. 25
T. F. Leadership starts with the ability to possess self-discipline and one who can recognize potential incident problems. 25
T. F. When indecisive orders are issued, they leave doubts in the minds of those on the receiving end of those orders and can lead subordinates to question their validity. 25
T. F. Firefighters who realize they are prime consideration of the Incident Commander in his or her decision making process will often give that extra effort to ensure success of their assignments. 26
T. F. The lesson learned from an incident in another jurisdiction are just as helpful in enabling us to prepare fro similar occurrence in our area. 26
ICS allows emergency responders: 38
An organizational structure adaptable to any emergency or incident to which response agencies would be expected to respond.
A system applicable and acceptable to users through the country.
Readily adaptable to new technology.
Ability to expand in a logical manner from an initial fire attack situation into a major incident.
ICS allows emergency responders: 38
Basic common elements in organization, terminology, and procedures.
Implementation with the least possible disruption to existing systems.
Effectiveness in fulfilling all management requirements costs.
How many interactive components does ICS have? 38
The ICS interactive components provide the basis for an effective ICS concept of operation. These components include: 38
Common terminology Modular organization Integrasted communications Unified command structure Consolidate action plans Manageable span of control Designated incident facilities Comprehensive resource management
ICS Requires common terminology which includes: 38
Major organizational functions
Units that are predesignated and titled
Terminology is standard and consistent
Each incident should be named
Common terminology in ICS requires that common names are established and used for: 39
All personnel
Resources conducting tactical operations
For all facilities in and around the incident area.
T. F. When units are designated a function they will no longer their standard call letters. They will adopt their new designation for all communication. 39
T. F. If Engine’s 1 officer is assigned as Division 1 supervisor he or she will use Engine 1 as the call sign for all radio communications and not division 1. 39
T. F. The ICS organizational structure develops a modular fashion from the top down at any incident. 39
T. F. The functional areas, which are implemented as the need develops, are Command, Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Finance/Administration. 39
T. F. The command function with ICS may be conducted in two general ways:
Single Command may be applied when there is no overlap of jurisdictional boundaries.
Unified Command may be applied when the incident is within one jurisdictional boundary, but more than one agency shares management responsibility.
Every incident needs an Incident Action Plan (IAP). Written IAP’s usually are required when: 39
The incident is long duration or involve multiple operational periods.
When multiple jurisdictions are involved in the response.
It is required by agency policy.
Span of Control refers to the number of personnel reporting to any given individual. Optimal span of control in the ICS is? 40
Designated incident facilities include: 40
Command post
Incident base
Staging area
The incident Command System is a combination of: 42
The Command staff consists of: 59
Safety Officer
Liaison Officer
An incident scene where there is a response of multiple agencies demands a point of contact person for these agencies. This function is best performed by the: 60-61
Liaison Officer
A command post should be located: 75
At a vantage point from which to view the incident.
With a view of the most critical of the two sides of the structure.
With a view of the direction toward which a fire might spread.
Dispatch can use the status report to: 76
Prepare for move ups of companies
Notify mutual-aid companies of the situation
Pass along information to senior officers who ma have response duties.
A final status report should be given: 77
At the time a fire is placed under control.
A method must be in place to clear a radio band if an important message has to be given. Which of the following methods can accomplish this? 79
Emergency traffic
In regards to a formal written incident action plan: 85
Forms 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, and 208 are all part of the plan.
The command sequence is based on how many levels? 91
Incident stabilization includes: 92
Confining the fire to as small an area possible.
Stabilizing a patient on a medical response.
Stopping a leak at a hazardous materials incident.
Size-up 93
Gathers information fro the development of strategic goals.
Is a mental process weighing all factors of the incident against the available resources.
Can be looked at as solving problems.
A 360-degree walk around 93
Can be accomplished by actually walking around the incident scene.
Can be accomplished by driving around the scene in an apparatus or chief’s vehicle.
Water supply may be supplemented by 99-100
Having the Water Company increase the pressure on the hydrant systems.
Using a private hydrant system.
Having secondary hydrant system.
The most important factor of size-up is 100
Life Safety
T. F. Narrow aisles, high piled stock and heavy smoke conditions assist fire fighters in finding the fire. 101
T. F. High ceilings can cause fires to go undetected for a longer period of time and allow fire extension. 101
An incident commander can request additional units for the following reasons. 101
To accomplish a specific assignment.
To relieve units already operating at the scene.
To remain at staging for anticipated problems.
When considering the size-up factor “weather” 104
Reduce hydrant pressure may occur due to illegally opened hydrants.
Heat and high humidity can drain the strength of firefighters.
Extreme heat will require more frequent relief for firefighters.
The size-up factor ‘height” should consider 104
Any structure more than one story in height.
The floor above the fire will pose a threat due to possibility of vertical spread of fire.
Attached or adjacent structures of equal or greater height as immediate exposures.