1-4 Flashcards
The study of how people choose to use their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants.
A system used to manage limited resources for the production; distribution; and consumption of goods and services.
positive economics
The branch of economics that uses objective analysis to find out how the world works.
normative economics
The branch of economics that applies value judgments to data in order to recommend actions or policies.
The condition that results because people have limited resources but unlimited wants.
The exchange of one benefit or advantage for another that is thought to be better.
cost-benefit analysis
A way to compare the costs of an action with the benefits of that action.
Any factor that encourages or motivates a person to do something.
The special line of work you have adopted as your career
division of labor
Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers
To exchange goods or services without the use of money
voluntary exchange
The act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions
Anything that serves as a medium of exchange; a unit of account; and a store of value
economic interdependence
Economic activities in one part of the country or world affect what happens elsewhere
absolute advantage
The ability of an individual; a firm; or a country to produce more of a good or service than competitors; using the same amount of resources