1 Flashcards
When does the embryo begin to fold?
4th week
What direction does the embryo fold?
Lateral and craniocaudal
What is created by lateral folding of the embryo?
Ventral Body wall and tubular primitive gut tube
What is created by craniocaudel folding of the embryo?
Creates cranio and caudel pockets from yolk sac endoderm (beginning primitive gut development)
What is the Primitive Gut Tube lined by?
What can the Primitive Gut Tube be divided into?
Foregut, Midgut and Hindgut
Describe the formation of the PGT
Pinches off from yolk sac cavity in 3rd week.
Runs from stomatodeum to proctodeum
Opening at the umbilicus = Vitelline Duct
What is the external lining of the PGT?
Splanchnic mesoderm
How and where is the PGT suspended?
Intraembryonic Coelom by double layer of splanchnic mesoderm
Describe the midgut innervation
Parasympathetic: Vagus Nerve
Sympathetic: Superior Mesenteric Ganglion & Plexus
Describe the hindgut innervation
Parasympathetic: Pelvic Nerve (S2,3,4)
Sympathetic: Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion & Plexus
What is the mesoderm surrounding the gut slit into?
What are the the layers surrounding the gut split into? What do they develop into?
Somatic: Develops into muscles and fasciae of abdominal wall
Splanchnic: Develops into smooth muscles of gut wall
What is the space that is created by the split called?
Coelamic Cavity (forerunner of the pleural and partitioner cavity, primitive gut is therefore surrounded by Coelomic Cavity)
What happens as Lateral Folding progresses?
Two sides of abdominal wall meet and form the lineal alba