1 Flashcards
Account for
I can’t account for the disappearance of this picture, it was here yesterday
Give a reason for
Care about
I don’t care about the expenses
Do away with
If passports were done away with, travel would be much simpler
Allow for
You will have to allow for some extra expenses
Take into consideration
Take into account
Set out/set off
They set out /off on their camping trip with great enthusiasm
Empezar un viaje o excursion
Pull up
The car pulled up beside me and the driver asked me the way to Piccadilly
Pull through
The doctor says she ll pull through now. Her temperature has gone down
Recover from an illness
Pick up
My son is picking up English very quickly, but I find it more difficult
Improve, mejorar
Aprender casualmente
Bring somebody round /to
She fainted but they brought her round/to by throwing
cold water on her
Throw up
He threw up his job and went to Australia
Abandonar, tirar por la borda
Bring up
At the committee meeting the question of repairs to the roof was brought up
Sacar el tema , poner sobre el tapete
Set up
Several new records were set up at the last Olympics games
Instalar, fundar, armar, assemble ,
Burn down
The mob burnt down several important buildings
La multitud destruyó quemándolos varios edificios
Set in
We must get the roof mended before the wet weather sets in
Bring round
His final argument brought me round
She fainted but they brought her round by throwing cold water on her
Me convenció
Do up
This room needs doing up
Redecorar, renovar
Step up
The factory will have to close down if production is not stepped up
Reforzar, incremental
Pick out
He picked out all the biggest ones
Pull yourself together
Recobra la compostura