1:3 Maid of the Canyon Flashcards
lights up [cooking sausage, Hall works on map]
HAWKINS: Hall get up! Dunn ain’t fishin today so this may be all you get.
HALL: Hawkins, wait, why isn’t Dunn fishin?
HAWKINS: You wanted Dunn on your map team today so Powell is fishin.
HALL: Powell’s fishin?! We’re gonna starve. Quick, give me two sausages.
HAWKINS: Everybody only gets one sausage. Id’ have to rat you our. Sorry but I”m not that sorry. Sausage up!
HALL: Why can’t you fish today Hawkins?
HAWKINS: I have to do inventory. And let me tell ya. At supper, some heads are gonna roll.
HALL: Wait why? Wait. Whos heads?
HAWKINS: The Howlands.
HALL: Wait what? Wait what about the Howlands?
HAWKINS: Ok so you know how Seneca starts in with a story EVERY night when we’re all eating dinner, and then OG is always like “I gotta take a leak,” right?
HALL: Yeah. Yeah like every night.
HAWKINS: OGs not taking a leak. He’s filching tobacco.
HALL: Wait what?? How do you know?
HAWKINS: I have my theories. He doesn’t go where the rest of us go. I’m gonna bring it the FUCK up at dinner.
HALL: that SUCKS. The Howlands are like –
HAWKINS: Who was their mother? And why was she not a more discerning person?
HALL: How was she ok with raising total assholes?
HALL: I mean I get it though. Their Dad died like right in front of them.
HALL: And they have to like put up with Goodman who is
HAWKINS: (British) I DO PROCLAIM. So british.
HALL: SO British.
HAWKINS: I feel like there is like one dud in every boat. Like Old Shady has to deal with Bradley who can’t stop talking –
HALL: Whos the dud in our boat?
HAWKINS: Not me. I make sausage! …. Nah. No I was kidding. You’re cool. You make maps. You pack light. You’re not like, weirdly defensive or anything. No seriously seriously. We won the lottery with our boat. Party Boat!
HALL: Maid of the Canyon for the win! Okay I’m going for a bath in the river.
HAWKINS: Theres a calm patch that way.
HALL: Don’t tell the map guy where the calm patch is.
HAWKINS: awright awright awright
handshake FRIENDSHIP!