1/29/23 Ethnobotany Plants to Know - 10 Flashcards
How was California Buckwheat used by indigenous peoples
Used to treat headache, diarrhea, stomach problems, heart problems, colds, coughs, wounds
Used in its entirety (leaves, seeds, roots, flowers) for teas and poultices
Seeds also were food
Eriogonum Fasciculatum
California Buckwheat
How is California Buckwheat used in modern day
Its poultice is used today to treat arthritis utilizing the anti-inflammatory properties
How did California Buckwheat inspire a modern commodity?
Inspired modern food diets
Gluten free, fiber + protein source, vitamin source
Improves heart health, weight loss, diabetes
Nicotiana spp.
Tobacco Plants
How was Tobacco used by the Indigenous people
Used for religious ceremonies (prayers/sweat lodges), and offerings to deities
Pain killer for ear and toothaches
Trade and currency
How did Tobacco inspire a modern commodity
Europeans brought back to Europe, and harvested it as a cash crop -> American export
How is Tobacco used today
Large tobacco industry, cigarettes, cigars, dipping tobacco, etc.
Satureja douglasii
Yerba buena
How was Yerba buena used by the Indigenous peoples
Leaves used for tea for stomach ailments, fevers, eye infections, colds
Stems and leaves wrapped around head for headache
Skin wash for rashes and prickly heat
How is Yerba Buena used today?
Toothpaste, soaps
Cooking for its spearmint flavor
Yucca Whipplei
chaparral yucca
How was Yucca Whipplei used by the Indigenous peoples?
Weaved baskets, rope, sewing, and soap
Used by the Chumash for fishing line
How is Yucca Whipplei used today?
Xeriscaping (process of landscaping with little irrigation)
Lophophora williamsii
Peyote cactus
How was peyote cactus used by the Indigenous peoples?
Religious sacrament / ceremonial medicine
Snakebite, scorpions, burns, wounds, fever, toothache, arthritis
How did peyote cactus inspire a modern commodity?
Schedule 1 narcotic (drugs with. no benefits)
May help with mental health
How id Peyote cactus used today?
Native American Church can use it
Government restricts it elsewhere
Umbellularia californica
California bay
How was California bay used by the Indigenous peoples?
Skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal
Crushed leaves for pain relief
Tea for sore throats
Leaf oil for earaches and sores
Fruity flesh and nut was edible
Leaf was used for cooking
Wood for bows
How did California bay inspire a modern commodity?
Wood used for instruments
How is California bay used today?
Antimicrobial effects again bacteria (MRSA)
Wood for instruments and furniture
Sambacus mexicana
Mexican elderberry
How was Mexican elderberry used by Indigenous peoples?
Flowers brewed in a broth, berries spread externally for sprains or sore joints
Berries eaten or dried
How is Mexican elderberry used today?
Syrups, preserves, baked goods
Boiling flowers in tea for fever, cold, flu, stomach
Claytonia perfoliata
Miner’s lettuce
How was miner’s lettuce used by the Indigenous peoples?
Poultice for rheumatic pain
Juice for appetizer restorer
Tea used as a diuretic
How is miner’s lettuce used today?
Inspired Gold rush miners to eat it to prevent scurvy
Salad garnish or served boiled
Sequoia sempervirens
Coastal Redwood
How was Coastal Redwood used by Indigenous peoples?
Young trees used for earaches
Tea was for UTI
Inner bark for blood purification
Thick bark for shelter
How is Coastal Redwood used today?
Trees exported for lumber
Slow to burn, water absorption, durability
Archtostaphylos spp.
How was Manzanita used by Indigenous peoples?
Berries for cider
Wood for fire drills
Chewed for nausea and upset stomachs
Soaked leaves for dressing to reduce discomfort with poison oak rashes
How is Manzanita used today?
Wood for driftwood
Leaves for poison oak
Flowers and berries edible
Bark smoked or used for tea