1. 2021C24Feb,2Mar,6Apr,10may/2022/13mar Flashcards
I saw your brother the other day. Suddenly he is very tall.
Vi a tu hermano el otro día. Qué alto está de repente.
estar because in this context it is what is NOT expected-NOT the plan-surprising
If the font size of the book were larger, I could read it easily.
Si el tamaño de la letra del libro fuera más grande, podría leerlo fácilmente.
- from ser, characteristic of font size, so fuera - fuera is imp subj
- When si (meaning “if”) is followed by a verb, the verb is in the present indicative if the condition stated is true or probable.
- When si is followed by a verb, the verb is in a past subjunctive if the condition stated is false or improbable.
- el letrero - the sign/notice
- deletrear - to spell
- Todas las letras del alfabeto español son femeninas.
The interviews were in Chichewa.
Las entrevistas fueron en Chichewa.
preterite because an event, fueron from ser because Chichewa is a characteristic of the interviews.
She felt like a giant because everyone else was so short.
Se sentía como (un) gigante porque todos los demás eran tan bajos.
era (imp indic) because from ser - always use ser in the imp indic for personal characteristics in the past
sentirse - como + noun
Sentir: 1. que + indic o subj verb 2. + noun 3. w-lo 4. subj of 2 verbs same, use inf (only one que!)
- adj/adv
- como + noun
- como si + imp subj
I was slim when I was in high school.
Era delgada cuando estaba en el colegio.
physical characteristics in the past, use imp indic, of ser
A conclusion of the evaluation was that…
Una conclusión de la evaluación fue que
conclusion already made- an event so ser preterite
My mother and I are very close.
Mi mamá y yo estámos muy unidas.
I have been thinking about you all.
He estado pensando en uds.
use estar - I am thinking about you. Estoy pensando…
The most interesting thing about the trip was what I learned.
Lo más interesante del viaje fue lo que aprendí.
- preterite - an isolated event/action carried out, intention fulfilled
- imp - context, non-action, description, intention but not clear if carried’out
When I was young, there was no internet.
Cuando era niña, no había internet.
de niña - as a child
Alguien era muy alegre de niño.
Would she be interested in being my tutor?
¿Estaría interesada en ser mi tutor?
- it is not necessarily expected that she would be my tutor so no expected nor planned is ESTAR
- not sería because ser is what is expected planned
- the pp here is used as an adjective and agrees with subject in gender and number
We went to visit Monet´s garden which was on the outskirts of Paris.
Fuimos a visitar el jardín de Monet que estaba en las afueras de París. cking w-LC, ckd and correct
The party is at my house. I am at home now.
La fiesta es en mi casa. Estoy en casa ahora.
location is estar except for events; events is ser.
Where will the concert be?
¿Dónde será el concierto?
The land they bought was close to the river.
La tierra que compraron estaba cerca del río.
estar is location
How long does it take to get to the cabin from here? How far is it?
¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en llegar a la cabaña desde aqui? ¿Qué tan lejos está?
Even though I know they are related to him.
Aunque sé que están relacionados con él.
I am related to him. Estoy relacionada con él.