1-20 Flashcards
a charge against a person or corporation
to directly and formally institute legal proceedings against a person
person against whom a criminal proceeding is initiated
Admissible evidence:
evidence which has been received by a trial court to aid the trier of fact (judge or jury) in deciding the merits of a controversy
voluntary acknowledgement that certain facts do exist or are true
A person who has reached the age of majority
a written, ex parte, statement made or taken under oath before an officer of the court or a notary public
the act of an appellate court that the judgement of the lower court is correct
in pleading, an assertion of fact
a resort to a higher court, seeking a reversal of a court decision
an attempt or threat, with unlawful force, to inflict bodily injury
the unlawful application of force to the person of another, unauthorized touching of another, no physical harm need result
Breech of contract:
a party’s failure to perform some contracted-for or agreed- upon act, or failure to comply with a duty imposed by law
Burden of proof:
the obligation of one party in a lawsuit to prove all the requirements necessary to show entitlement to recovery
a warning, caution or qualification
Circumstantial evidence:
indirect evidence, secondary evidence by which a principal fact may be inferred
the branch of law that pertains to suits outside of criminal practice, pertaining to the rights and duties of persons in contract, tort, etc
Clear and convincing:
as a standard of proof, it is the amount of evidence beyond a mere preponderance, but below that of beyond a reasonable doubt
a set of laws or rules
Common law:
a system of jurisprudence which originated in England and passed on to the US, based on judicial precedent, common law is changing reflecting the desires of society