1&2 Flashcards
Anything an animal does that can be observed and or measured
A change in future behavior resulting from previous practice or experience
The law of effect
Behavior is a function of its consequences
ABC’s of training
Antecedent behavior consequence
Conditions that immediately proceed the behavior that are functionally related to it occurring
Events that occur immediately after the behavior that are functionally related to the behavior
Classical conditioning
A form of learning in which a neutral stimulus will elicit a response after it has been paired with a stimulus that already elicit that response. The sequence of events is not affected by the animals behavior.
Operant conditioning
A form of learning in which behavior comes more or less probable based on the consequence of that behavior
Any circumstance or event that occurs in conjunction with a response that increases the probability that their response will occur again
The actual stimulus that follows a behavior which causes an increase in future frequency or maintains the frequency of the behavior i.e. meatball
Primary reinforcers
A stimulus that an animal does not have to value i.e. food a.k.a. unconditional reinforcer
Secondary reinforcers
A stimulus that holds value to the animal only because it has been paired with a primary (unconditioned) reinforcer a.k.a. conditioned reinforcer example clicker
The bridge
(bridging stimulus) a conditioned reinforcer which marks the exact moment when a correct response is given and occupies the time between the response and the delivery of the primary reinforcer example “good”
Charging the bridge
The process of pairing something with no meaning to the animal (conditioned reinforcer) was something that the animal values (unconditioned reinforcer)
Continuous reinforcement schedule
A reinforcement schedule in which each correct response is followed by a reinforcer 1:1 ratio provides a lot of info for the animal
Intermittent/variable reinforcement schedule
A reinforcement schedule in which the reinforcer is delivered in irregular intervals after correct responses think slot machine
And eventual illumination of a behavior due to withholding the delivery of a reinforcer after the behavior
Extinction burst
An increase in intensity and or frequency of a behavior until it finally extinguishers
Matching Lara
Animals tend to offer behaviors that are more reinforcing to them
Superstitious behavior
And unwanted/unnecessary behavior that has been unintentionally reinforced to occur with the desired behavior
Positive reinforcement
(Adding to the environment) a consequence that, when presented after response, will increase the probability of that response occurring again
Negative reinforcement
(removing from the environment) a consequence that when removed, reduced, or prevented after a response will increase the probability of that response occurring again