1 Flashcards
What is a dramatic device?
A convention used in drama as a substitution for reality outside the limitations of the story itself.
What is an allusion?
A reference to a person, place, or event, usually without explicit identification.
What are some common references used in allusions?
Mythology, the Bible, historical events, geography, and other literary works.
What does movement refer to in drama?
The use of timing, direction, and energy to build understanding of character and the tension of the scene.
What aspects of voice can influence audience emotion?
Volume, pitch, pausing, intonation, pace, and accent.
What is the significance of space in drama?
The positioning of objects and bodies on stage and the relationship between them are vital means of making meaning.
How is character conveyed through body in drama?
Through posture, gesture, and facial expression.
What are the fundamental techniques in drama?
Techniques that complement the other elements of a scene and make it more effective.
What is stagecraft?
The organization of stage properties and the overall setting of a play.
What does direction contribute to a play?
It is an essential constituent that makes a story more effective.
How should music relate to a play?
The lyrics and music should complement the play’s theme and enhance the scenes.
What role do sound effects play in drama?
They should complement the situation and characters in the story.
What does dramatic presentation include?
The use of sounds and rhythm in dialogues as well as music.