1 Flashcards
What is an Employer?
A person or company that pays people to work for them.
What is an Employee?
Someone who is paid to work for a person or company.
What does ‘Pop’ mean?
To make a short sound like a small explosion, or to make something do this by breaking it.
хлопать, щелкать
What does ‘Pop up’ mean?
To move quickly and suddenly, especially out of something.
неожиданно выскакивать (например, когда мысль неожиданно пришла в голову, всплыло что-то в памяти)
What does ‘In front of’ mean?
Close to the front part of something.
What is a ‘Cold fish’?
Someone who seems unfriendly and who does not share their feelings.
“Холодный” человек, безэмоциональный, недружелюбный
What does ‘Determined’ mean?
Wanting to do something very much, and not letting anyone stop you.
полный решимости
What does ‘Effective’ mean?
Successful or achieving the result that you want.
Effectiveness – эффективность
What does ‘Efficiency’ mean?
A good use of time and energy, without wasting any.
действенность, продуктивность
productiveness — производительность, продуктивность, плодородность
What does ‘Simultaneous’ mean?
If two or more things are simultaneous, they happen or exist at the same time.
What is ‘Hands-on experience’?
Knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done.
практический опыт
What is Destiny?
A power that some people believe controls what will happen in the future.
судьба, предназначение
What does ‘Even’ mean?
What does ‘To sum up’ mean?
To describe briefly the important facts or characteristics of something or someone.
суммировать, резюмировать, подводить итоги
What does ‘It was necessary to…’ imply?
It indicates a requirement or obligation.
I needed to…/It required…/ I had to
What does ‘Schedule time’ mean?
To arrange or plan time for something.
расписать время
So it works for me/ suits me – чтобы оно мне подходило (о времени)