1. Flashcards
It will come in handy
Instead of saying “I have to do this” say “I get to do this”
есть возможность
to put your foot in your mouth
to say something by accident that embarrasses and upsets others
ляпнуть что-то не то
I’m shaking in my boots
I’m scared
I’m bent out of shape
I’m angry
I’m down in the dumps
I’m sad
I’m over the moon
I’m happy
to test the waters
to find out whether something is likely to be successful before you do or try it
прощупать почву
Ex.: Those wishing to test the waters of the tattoo world might choose something simple and small, while experienced tattoo aficionados may prefer entire scenes.
to beat around the bush
to talk about lots of unimportant things because you want to avoid talking about what is really important
ходить вокруг да около
when pigs fly
когда рак на горе свистнет
it costs an arm and a leg
стоит целое состояние
to hit the nail of the head
попасть в самое яблочко
to be on the same page
to agree
to think outside the box
мыслить более креативно, обширно
- американские горки
- много эмоционального происходит
- ситуация, которая постоянно изменяется
like mother like daughter
/ like father like son
яблоко от яблони не далеко падает
ignorance is bliss
меньше знаешь - крепче спишь
no pain no gain
без труда не выловить и рыбку из пруда
sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me
кто обзывается тот сам так называется
nothing beats
нет ничего лучше чем
Ex: Nothing beats a day at the beach in the summertime.
it makes my hair stand on end
Ex.: Spiders make my hair stand on end.
rinse repeat
about predictable, repetitive actions
Ex.: Everyday is so grey: rain, clouds, wind. Rinse and repeat.
on the go
to be very active and busy and that’s why tired
Ex.: I am always on the go: work, children, friends.
second nature
when you do something easily without even thinking about it
Ex.: Driving became second nature to me. I gained experience through years so now it’s very easy for me.
to swim against the tide
to disagree with a prevailing or popularly held opinion; to act or behave contrary to the majority of others.
Ex.: I really swam against the tide when I was in college with some radical opinions, but as I’ve grown older I’ve found myself falling more in line with other people’s way of thinking.
to split hairs
to make unnecessary distinctions between things when the differences between them are so small they are not important
придираться к мелочам
to meet someone halfway
make a compromise with someone in order to show that you want to reach an agreement or improve your relationship
To get the gift of the gab
Иметь подвешенный язык
Ex.: She has got the gift of the gab - she could work in sales & marketing.
Here goes nothing!
Ну что, поехали!
Была не была
We are even
Мы квиты
Let’s cross that bridge when we get there.
Worry about a problem at its time. Don’t stress.
the best laid plans (of mice and men often go astray)
even well-planned events or life goals may not work out as expected, they may fail due to unforseen circumstances.
типа «Самые лучшие планы часто выходят боком».
Ex.: Mary spent all afternoon preparing this elaborate dish but forgot the most important ingredient—oh well, the best-laid plans go astray
to spread yourself thin
to try to do too many things at the same time so that you cannot give enough time or attention to any of them .
Ex.: This semester I try to play basketball, study at the driving school, and work at the store. Seems as if I’m spreading myself too thin.
Not my chair not my problem
типа моя хата с краю
I am not the one involved in the situation, and I should stay uninvolved
the icing on the cake
something that makes a good situation better.
вишенка на торте
Ex: He was delighted to get the article published and the payment was the icing on the cake.