1. Flashcards
Nechaj ma
Let me be me
Restartovala som zivot
Rebooted my life
Vratit sa do formy
Getting back in shape
Rozpadne sa
Fall apart
Prinutila ho ist do skoly
She force him go to the school
Citil sa zastraseny
Felt intumidated
Inspirujte sa nasledovat priklad
Get inspired to follow suit
Zit sprostredkovane cez teba
Live vicariously through you
Fooolish amd unwise
Uzkostlivy Ustarosteny
Stastie praje pripravenym
Luck is there for those who are ready.
Nevzdavaj sa
Not to give up
Alo meradlo sebazachovy proti zlyhaniu
As a measure of self-perservation against potential failure
Ostat v bezpeci
To stay safe
Nech nam plynie cas
Let time pass us by
Cudujes sa preco sa nic nezmenilo
You wonder why nothing’s changed
Nechavame uzekat cas a peniaze dole vodou
We’re letting out time and money go down the drain
Cas celit svojmu strachu
It’s time to face your fears
Discomfort je jedina cesta pre rast
Discomfort is the only path to growth
Ovlyvneny nazormi inych
Affected by other’s opinion
Najst vyhovorky
Find excuses
Nedostatok sebavedomia
Lack self-confident
Ziskat nove skusenosti
Acquire new skill
Realizovat tuzby
Realize aspirations
Rozsirit komfortnu zonu
Extended the comfort zone
Zabezpecte aby vase kazdodene rohodnutia boli dolezite
Make your every day decisions count
Prestat prezivat a zacat prosperovat
Quit surviving and start thriving
Anxiety (engzajedy)
Pravdepodobne prameni z tvojich strahov z neznama
Is likely stemming from your fears of the unknown
Co vedie k presvedceniu
Witch leads to make-believe
Najhirsie scenare ktore este nenastali
worst case scenarios that haven’t even happened yet
Prekonat to
To overcome that
Rozpravat s ludmi kt to spravili
Talking to people eho have done it
čím viac o niečom viete, tým menej strašidelné to bude a tým viac sa budete cítiť silnejšie
The more you know about something the less scary it becomes and the more empowered you ‘ll feel
Jasnost a smer
Clarity and direction
uistite sa, že každé vaše rozhodnutie a akcia sú v súlade
Making sure that every decision and action you make is aligned with
Rozdelit na presne kroky
Break down the exact steps
Musite vziat aby ste sa dostali
You need to take to get from A to B
Cestou trafis
You will hit along the way
Znovu si potvrdis ze robis progres
Reaffirming that you are making progress