1 Flashcards
An asset is something that has economic value now, or might have value in the future
Asset allocation
This investment strategy aims to balance risk and reward. It involves spreading your investments across different types of assets, including stocks bonds and cash.
Bear market
A bear market is When stock prices decline by at least 20% for two months or more.
Bull market
This happens when stock prices are on the rise or expected to rise at least 20% after falling by 20%.
Bonds allow companies and governments to raise funds by borrowing from the public.
This is a company or individual that buys and sells securities, such as stocks or bonds on behalf of its clients.
Capital gains
Capital gains refers to the money an investor makes when they sell an investment for a higher price than they paid.
Commodities are raw materials or agricultural products. Metal, energy, livestock, and meats.
Common stock
This is the type of stock issued to the majority of shareholders in a company. Common shareholders have voting rights, but if the company needed to liquidate assets, everyone is paid out before the common shareholders.
This is a technique investors used to reduce risk of losing money by spreading investments across a variety of industries and assets.
Dividends are payments that corporations make to shareholders based on the current shares they own.
Dividend reinvestment plan
DRIP is a plan that allows investors to automatically reinvest any dividends they earn into more shares
Earnings per share
EPS is a calculation used to estimate the profitability of a company.
E.S.G. investment funds
Environmental, social, and governance funds. These funds invest in companies that prioritize sustainability ethical business practises and good corporate governance.
Equity can be defined as the amount of money the owner of an asset would be paid after selling it and any debts associated with the asset were paid off
Equity portfolio
An equity portfolio consists of all the stock market investments made by the investor.