1/13/23 Flashcards
Please do not litter!
Please do not litter!
Go get’em tiger!
Poem in my Pocket
So my brother and I closed our eyes.
The Year We Learned to Fly
Day after day, she practices until she can speak ingles perfectly.
A Girl named Rosita
We know you feel alone sometimes.
I Am Golden
She squirmed in her seat because she was afraid.
Stacey’s Extraordinary Words
Now all I have to do is enjoy the ride!
A walk in the words
I just couldn’t keep up.
The Smart Cookie
Things divided in halves are meant to be shared, don’t ya think?
Five years why?
When the Schools Shut Down
Well, I’ll let you get back to your swim.
Beak & Ally - The Big Storm
There are so many secrets left for scientists to unlock
Nano the spectacular Science of the Very (Very) small
Hello, Fish!
The Creature of Habit
I will have diamond teeth and a solid-gold hat!
Chez Bob
My tummy cheered as I smelled the flaky, buttery bread in front of me.
Beautifully Me