1 Flashcards
The bible was written…
In community for community
The Bible is not primarily for information
But for transformation
Sabbath is an invitation to connect to
God, creation, self, and others. To trade production for presence and to trade distraction for attention
The creation narrative are in conversation with
Other creation narratives and help form our identity and purpose and practices
God made everything and said
It was very good
It’s not our sin that keeps God from us
But our shame and self righteousness
The number 40 in the bible
Often indicates major transformation
The first covenant in the bible is made between
God and Noah, every living creature, and subsequent generations
Covenant involves an explicit promise
And invites a reciprocal response
The abrahamic covenant establishes the blessing of abram and
Is meant to bless not just abram and his family but the whole world. This subverts any idea of us vs. them
Hear o israel, the lord is our God, the Lord is one
You must love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength
10 commandments
No other gods besides me
Dont make idols
Dont use the name of the Lord your God for worthless purposes
Honor the sabbath
Honor your parents
Dont murder
Dont commit adultery
Dont steal
Dont lie
Dont covet
Corporate lament fights against
The feeling of being alone and opens the possibility of shalom
Haves emphasize a theology of celebration
Have nots emphasise a theology of lament
Truth does not exist
If pain cannot speak