1 Flashcards
او قرار است ساعت 5 اینجا باشد
he is going to be here at 5 o’clock
فکر کنم فردا بارونی باشد
I think tomorrow will be rainy
فردا قراره بارون بیاد
It is going to rain tomorrow
به من گفته اند که فردا سرکار نیا
I have been told not to come to work tomorrow
فردا بیام سرکار؟
Shall I come to work tomorrow?
آیا قراره او فردا به سرکار بره؟
آیا او فردا سرکار می ره؟
Is he going to work tomorrow?
Does he go to work tomorrow?
چه زمانی کارم را شروع کنم؟
When will I start my job?
من ساعت 3 بعد از ظهر به جیم زنگ می زنم
i’m going to call Jim at 3 pm
من ساعت 3 بعد از ظهر به جیم زنگ خواهم زد
I will call Jim at 3 p.m
امشب می خوای چی کار کنی ؟
من قراره امشب درس بخونم و سپس شاید هم تلویزیون نگاه خواهم کرد
What are you doing tonight?
I am going to study tonight and then maybe I will watch TV
امشب می خوای چی کار کنی ؟
من می خواهم چمدانم را ببندم و بعد شاید کمی از دوستانم را ملاقات کنم برای شام
What are you doing tonight?
I ‘m going to pack my suitcade and then maybe i’ll meet some my friends for dinner.
(Certain) I …….. work on Friday
I am going to work on Friday.
(uncertain) Maybe……….. Work on sunday.
Maybe, I’ll work on Friday.
(decided) He ……… Study medicine
He is going to study medicine.
(undecided) He ………. Study law or medicine.
He’ll study law or medicine.
(Unplanned) They ………,.probably get married.
They’ll probably get married.
(Panned) They ………. get married.
They’re going to get married.
(Formal) The P.M ……… arrive at 8 p.m
The P.m will arrive at 8 p.m
(Informal) my friend …….. come over at 8:00 p.m
My friend’s going to come over at 8:00 p.m
(prediction) She……..win the election.
She’s going to win the election
She will win the election