1 Flashcards
Ready to
On the verge of
About to
Despite everything
After all
At least
To make something known
To break the news
To be very expensive
To cost an arm and a leg
A job that won’t lead to anything else
Dead-end job
Accept a difficult reality
Let’s face it
To create a feeling of disgust or horror
To give one the creeps
To start again from the beginning
(To) go back to the drawing board
To go bankrupt
(To) go belly-up
To fire someone
(To) give someone the ax
To become very angry
(To) lose one’s temper
To decide
(To) make up one’s mind
No reason to
No point in
To endure without complaint
Put up with
A failure
Real flop or flop
To prevent a disaster
Save the day
Very intelligent
As sharp as a tack
To discuss
(To) talk over
A lot of money
Top dollar
To cahnge one’s decision
(To) change one’s mind
More difficult than you think
Easier said than done
To lose one’s job
(To) get canned
To not give up
(To) hang in there
In the worst case
If worse comes to worst
To stay positive
(To) keep one’s chin up
If there are no other alternatives left
Last resort
To barely have enough money to survive
(To) live from hand to mouth
To be optimistic
(To) look on the bright side
To manage one’s money so as to have enoughto live on
(To) make ends meet
Out of work