1-11 Flashcards
A decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is :
A group of blood enzymes activate in immune responses is the :
A heart murmur is a:
Abnormal sounds in heart
A Hemocytometer is a
Device for counting blood cells
A leukoblast is a
Immature white blood cell
A lymphangioma is a
Benign malformations
A lymphocyte is a
Cell found in lymphatic system
A platelet is also called
A septum is a
Dividing wall
A sinus rhythm originates in the
Sinus node
A slower then average heart rate is termed
A small vein is a
A sphygmomanometer is used to measure
Blood pressure
A term that means around a vessel is
A term that means between the ventricles is
A term that means within a vein is
A type of chest pain that may signal coronary artery disease is
Angina pecturis
A Valvotome is a
Instrument for incising a valve
A vasodilator is used to
Widen blood vessels
A vessel that Carries blood back to the heart is a
A weakened and expanded arterial wall is termed a
ALL , AML , CLL , and CML are all abbreviations for types of
Blood diseases (cancer)
Albumin is a
Simple protein found In plasma
All of the following are blood test except
All of the following are coagulation tests except
All of the following are drugs used to treat the heart except
An AED is used to correct
An anaphylactic reaction is a
Severe generalized hypersensitivity reaction
An antigen is
A foreign substance that stimulates immunity
An enlarged and twisted vein is a varix. That adjective and plural forms of varix are
Varicose and varices
Angiography is a
X-ray study of vessels
Narrowing of the aorta
Arteriosclerosis is
Hardening of the artery
Asplenia is
Absence of spleen
Autologous blood is
A persons own blood
Cardioptosis is
Downward displacement of the heart
Cytopenia is a
Deficiency of cells
Dissolved salts found in body fluids are
Enlarged veins in the rectum are
Erythropoietin is a
Hormone that stimulates red cell production
Extrasystole is
Additional heart beat
HIV and EBV are
Hemolytic disease amid the newborn (HDN) is a disorder that results from
Fast breakdown of red blood cells
Hodgkin disease involves the
Lymphatic system
Hypoproteinemia is
A lack of protein in the blood
Immunity acquired by contact with a disease organism is described as
Impulses travel in the heart from the AV bundle to the
Bundle branches
In azotemia there are
Nitrogenous compounds in the blood
In hypokalemia there is a
Excess of red blood cells
Lymphadenopathy Is
Any disease of a lymph node
Lymphocytes and monocytes are
Agranular leukocytes
Lymphopoiesis is
Formation of lymphocytes
Macrophages are descendants of
Myeloma is a 
Tumor of bone marrow
PMN Polymorph and Seg are all abbreviations for
Petechiae ecchymoses and purpura are all signs of
Bleeding into the skin
Phlebectasia is
Graphic record of heart sounds/murmurs
Polyarteritis is
Inflammation of many arteries
Presence of microorganisms in the blood is
Red cells are made in the
Bone marrow
Serum is the
Liquid that remains after blood has clotted
Sideroderma is
A deposit of iron in the skin
The abbreviation for CPR stands for
Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation
The abbreviation ECG stands for
Detective Ferric refers to
The adjective for arteriole is
The adjective for tonsil is
The aortic and pulmonary valves are
 Semilunar valves
The common term for hypersensitivity is
The ducks arteriosus and foramen Ovale are found in the
Prenatal heart
The formed elements and blood are the
Red/white blood cells platelets (Erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes)
The heart contracts during
The heart pumps blood to the lungs through the
Pulmonary valve
The left ventricle pumps blood into the
The main function of erythrocytes is to
Carry oxygen
The most numerous leukocytes are
The pigment that carries oxygen in red cells is
The plural of atrium is
The prevention of blood loss is
The route and ischemia means
The scientific name for a heart attack is
Myocardial infraction
The skin, mucus, Cilia, and lymph nodes are components of
Innate immunity
Substance that forms a blood clot is
Superior inferior venae, cavae bring blood into the
Right atrium
The term Myelogenous means
Originating in bone marrow
Thick muscular layer of the heart is the
The thoracic duct
Largest lymphatic vessel
The valve between the left atrium and ventricle is the
The mitral valve
Thrombocythemia is
An increase in platelets in the blood
Thrombolysis is
Destruction of blood clot
Thrombosis is
Formation of blood clot
An aerobic organism requires
An analGesic is used to
Reduce pain
An antipyretic is used to
Reduce fever
An endotoxin Is a
Poison found within a cell
And oncologist specializes in the study and treatment of