1 Flashcards
What delay is authorized on a mutual/unilateral transfer?
Leave only.
How long must a mbr be at his/her current unit to be eligible for a mutual/unilateral?
Six months, and be in paygrade E3 or higher.
How many yrs service must a mbr have remaining upon transfer for a mutual/unilateral?
1 yr.
How long can a humanitarian transfer be for?
Up to 6 months TAD, or up to 2 yrs PCS.
What is the purpose of a humanitarian assignment?
It is a special assignment used to alleviate a hardship that cannot be resolved by emergency leave.
What document is enclosed with a mbrs humanitarian request?
An updated record of emergency date CG-4170A.
What is a unilateral transfer?
A transfer that allows someone who is in excess at his/her current PDS to go to a unit where they are more needed.
Who can a mbr mutual with?
A person in the same rate and rating/paygrade as the mbr.
What restrictions are placed on a mbr serving on a humanitarian assignment?
They are not permitted to reenlist, extend beyond the expiration of their current assignment, or attend A or C schools.
When mutualing how is a mbrs “A” school standing effected
Mbrs name is placed in a hold (while continuing to move up) status until the mbr has served 1 yr at his/her new unit.
When a humanitarian assignment is for less than 2 yrs when is the request for extension submitted?
At least 1 month prior to expiration of current assignment.
How is a mutual/unilateral request submitted?
Via a dream sheet CG-3698A.
Can a seaman mutual with a fireman?
What are the stipulations regarding conduct for mutual/unilaterals?
No non-judicial punishment, court martial, civil conviction and no mark less than a three in previous 1 year.
What must a mbr sign prior to accepting humanitarian orders?
A CG-3307 to the effect that the mbr is not entitled to any travel reimbursement for the move.
When must a mbr extend his/her contract while serving on a humanitarian assignment?
60 days prior to expiration of current enlistment.
What must a mbr do once the reason for the humanitarian assignment is over or period of assignment has expired?
Submit a letter to CGPC via the chain of command requesting termination and showing documentation that the reason is over and that the mbr is available for worldwide assignment.
What office can approve a humanitarian request?
District (ap) or MLC for NCAC personnel when entire move is within the district or MLC AOR otherwise EPM must approve the move.
What service mbrs are not normally issued PCS HUMS orders?
When can a mbr not serve a 2nd or subsequent HUMS tour?
For the same hardship.
For purposes of considering a Humanitarian Assignment request, immediate family is defined as what?
Spouse, Children, Parents, Step parents or any real dependents (not normally in laws)
PCS orders stating proceed immediately gives how much time besides PT or TT?
48 hrs.
How many dys before a mbrs transfers is the overseas interview performed?
15 dys (checklist in the 3PM).
What form numbers are the departing and reporting worksheets?
Departing (CGPSC2000), reporting (CGPSC2005).
When mbrs are transferred to GANTSEC what TO do they use?
In whose name are PCS GTR’s issued to?
The senior depn with the mbrs name and grade typed on the back.
Upon receipt of a mbrs orders how much time does the unit have to notify the mbr?
ASAP, but NLT 3 dys, 5 for overseas orders.
How much proceed time should be authorized if the orders indicate no hast?
4 dys.
If a mbr elects to use proceed time after completing TEMDU what goes on his/her orders?
When is proceed time authorized?
When ever a mbr with depns moves (except when he/she is a geo bachelor occupying gov’t qrts), and mbrs without depns utilizing non-gov’t qrts at either the old or new PDS (for E4 and below >2 yrs service qrts must not be available).
What is the travel entitlement for a mbr ordered to HOAS status?
Authorized travel allowances to the waiting point.
When is proceed time not authorized?
First duty station, transfer btwn unit located 25 or less miles apart, and retirement.
What are pay and allowances for a mbr on HOAS?
Basic pay, BAS, BAH, and clothing allowances.
Report on or about means what on TAD orders?
Begin travel 10 dys on either side of a given date.
How much advance notice will HQ give a mbr for PCS?
90 dys for inconus orders, 120 dys for overseas orders.
What paygrades fall under CAC?
E4—E9 & E2—E3 with designators.
What paygrades must process a valid drivers license prior to transfer?
When reservists are orders to active duty when are they authorized mileage?
When TAD for 90 or more dys (they get PCS malt and perdiem).
What billets must be filled exclusively by the paygrade assigned to that billet?
OIC, XPO, and EPO.
How old must a mbr be to request an ashore assignment due to age when not eligible for retirement?
50 or older.
What are the obligated service requirements for transfer?
Mbrs E4 and above with >6 yrs service must have enough obliserve to complete a full tour. Mbrs E4 and above <6 yrs service must have 1 yr remaining to transfer. Strikers must have 2 yrs remaining to transfer. For outconus transfers all mbrs must obligate service to complete full tour.
What percentage of each recruit company will graduate training FA/FN’s?
What units will non rates without normal color vision not normally be station?
Small-Boat Stations.
What is the obliserve requirement upon reporting to a VTS?
2 yrs
What is the obliserve requirement upon reporting to a strike team?
3 yrs.
How are the day of departure and the day of reporting charged?
Dy of departure is always a day of duty, the dy of reporting is always a dy of travel.
How is the effective date of orders for travel and transportation determined for separated or retired mbrs?
It will always be the last day of active duty.
If orders indicate “hereby detached” without a specific reporting date how soon should the mbr be detached?
Mbr should be detached within 24 hrs after the orders are received.
If orders indicate “proceed immediately” without a specific reporting date how soon should the mbr report?
Within 12 hrs exclusive of TT following receipt of orders.
If orders indicate “Proceed” without a specific reporting date how soon should the mbr report?
Within 4 dys exclusive of TT and PT after detachment date.
How many depn may you have to be assigned overseas?
E7—E9 max 4
E6 max 3
E5 max 2
E1—E4 max 1
What must be submitted when requesting advance travel?
A Copy of the travel orders and SF-1038 mailed or faxed to PSC(TVL).
When will FINCEN begin recoupment of outstanding travel advances?
Within 30 dys after the estimated completion date. Mbr is given 30 dys to make a lump sum repayment from the date of the letter.
How can repayment of an outstanding travel advance be made?
By check or deduction from pay (civilians are assessed a $10.00 fee for deduction).
What is the maximum amt of time a person may be assigned TAD?
6 months (unless additional time is authorized by G-WP.
Along with completion of the form DD-2367 (overseas housing allowance) what else should the mbr provide?
A copy of the lease.
How many weeks can a mbr go TAD before is classified a PCS transfer?
20 wks.
TAD under instruction is abbreviated how on a msg?
What kind of order would a married mbr receive to go to “A” school?
What is the distribution of the aircrew physical exam for aviation “A” school?
Original and 1 copy attached to the training request.
How long after disenrollment shall TRACEN submit a disenrollment request?
72 hours.
What must be included on the “A” school disenrollment request?
Name, SSN, and reason for disenrollment.
Regarding a no-fault disenrollment how soon may a mbr reapply for “A” school?
Immediately, after second disenrollment mbr must wiat 1 yr.
Regarding an at-fault disenrollment how soon may a mbr reapply for “A” school?
1 yr fm the date of disenrollment
What is done with mbr transferring to “A” school who exceed the max weight?
Their associated PCS costs will be charged to the departing units AFC 30 account.
Mbrs attending a fully funded advanced education program incur what service obligation?
3 months for each month of school for the first yr and 1 month for each months of school for the rest of the school.
. What is the limit on reimbursing pet quarantine fees in conjunction with PCS orders?
What advance is authorized for mbrs completing less than 90% of their enlistment or being discharged under “other than honorable conditions”?
May be advanced 75% of the least costly commercial carrier
How do you compute mixed mode travel when traveling under PCS orders?
The lesser of actual travel (allowing 1 day for each mode of commercial carrier) or authorized travel days if traveled by POC, allowing 1 day for non transatlantic commercial carrier travel
How many days of travel is authorized when it states “proceed without delay”?