1 Flashcards
A hard nut to crack
A difficult problem
A thorn in the flesh
kaam mein aane waali baadha
at one’s back and call
under one’s control
an acid test
a critical test
a eye for an eye
tit for tat
at once
at home
all in all
most important
achille’s heels
kamzor paksh, dukhti rag
an arm chair job
good income job with high comfort
an axe to grind
something done for selfish reasons
at ones’s finger ends
purn jankari hoba
at one’s wits ends
at stake
daav par
a black sheep
unluchy person , bad characters
at a snail’s pace
very slowly
at the eleventh hour
at last movement
a man of straw
simple person
at sixes and sevens
ast viyast
at ease
free from pain and anxiety
at daggers drawn
to have bitter enmity
at arm’s length
avoid becoming too friendly
at a pinch
in a trouble
at a lose
to be unable to decide
apple pie order
in good condition
apple of discord
matter of dispute
an olive branch
peace request/treaty
an old had on your shoulders
a child or young person who thinks and talks like an older and experienced person
an old flame
purana pyaar
an iron will
strong will power