1-10 SLOVÍČKA Flashcards
Grievance procedure
A process for trying to resolve problems or complaints that employees raise with their employer
sign off
The client formally accepts that the project results have been delivered and the project is complete and satisfactory
status report
provides regular updates on the status and progress of a project
quality audit
the process of examining an organisations quality system carried out by a quality auditor
official way of doing something
pilot project
a small-scale project carried out to see if a larger-scale project is possible
checking the progress over time
kick-off meeting
the first meeting with the project team and the client of the project where applicable
A measure of performance used by companies to measure how well they are performing against targets or expectations
the ability to achieve maximum productivity with the minimum expense or waste
The measure how well something achieves its intended goal or result
something that can be provided or achieved as a result of a process
questions and discussion about a completed mission or project.
critical path analysis
a method of planning all the tasks that must be completed in a project
contingency plan
a plan designed to take account of possible future events or circumstances
A limitation or obstacle that may slow down or stop a planned activity
breakdown of tasks
an explanation of the different tasks in a project
A style of management that insists that rules are obeyed and authority is respected
works council
a group of employees representing the workforce in discussions with employers
all the people working in the industry
work permit
an official document giving a foreigner permission to work in the country
vocational training
training that is directed at a particular occupation and skills
person who is undergoing training for a particular job or profession
track record
a persons past achievements or performance
take on staff
to hire new employees
stand in
a person who takes someone else’s place or does someone else’s job for a while
employee turnover
way to measure how often employees leave a company and are replaced by new ones
social security
financial support by the state for people with inadequate income
sick leave
time taken off work due to illness
the list of candidates who have been chosen for an interview
the act of giving up work after reaching a certain age
general term for money paid for work or a service
a letter from a previous employer testifying to someones reliability
to move to more important job in an organisation
positive discrimination
ta form of discrimination that favours someone by treating them differently in a positive way
regular payment made to a retired or disabled person
parental leave
paid absence from work to care for a baby
job vacancy
an unoccupied position for which job seekers can apply
job security
being sure that your job is safe
job advertisement
an announcement publishing job vacancy
industrial relations
the relations between managers and workers in a company
the process of introducing someone to a new organisation
a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
when employees do not each have their own desk
garden leave
a situation where an employee is required to stay away from work during their notice period after resigning or being terminated by their employer.
person who works for different companies at different time
a system in which employees can choose when they start and finish work
entry requirments
minimum skills or qualification that an applicant must have
employer branding
a company’s outward message about who they are and what makes them special
the act of removing someone from employment
collective bargaining
negotiation of wages and conditions of employment
closing date
the latest date when applications will be accepted
assessment centre
A place or event where people applying for a job are given tests and interviews to find out their strengths and weaknesses
a formal assessment (rating) of an employee s performance over a particular time
a formal request for a job
spot check
a test made on a randomly selected item
the practise of regularly staying away from work for no good reason
time and motion study
a procedure by which the efficiency of industrial operations is evaluated
a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something
shop floor
the part of a factory where the production work is carried out
to equip factory with new or adapted machine tools
ramp up
to sharply increase the level of something
quality control
a system of maintaining standards in manufacturing by testing a sample of the output against the specification
the amount of something produced by a person
mass production
making large quantities of standard products by an automated process
machine tools
fixed power tools used in manufacturing processes
lean production
A method which increases efficiency and reduces waste by receiving goods only when they are needed in the production process
lead time
time between the start and finish of a production process
hazard warning sign
A system of clearly displayed symbols warning of danger (radiation)
the number of units moving through a production process at any given time
time during which a machine or assembly line is out of action
A fault in design or manufacture which means that a product is not fit for purpose
an activity involving skills in making things by hand
cottage industry
a business or manufacturing activity carried out in someones home
a production environment free of dust and grease and other contaminants
The amount that a production line is capable of producing
A situation that causes a delay in a production process
a quantity of goods produced at one time
the use of automatic equipment in the manufacturing process
assembly line
A series of machines and workstations in a factory that put together identical products as they progress along it
additive manufacturing
a manufacturing technique that creates objects using computer-controlled design and printing methods
informal advertising by personal recommendation
exclusive and usually expensive
the feature or benefit of a particular product that makes it stand out from its competitors
selling goods and taking orders by telephone
a chance to try a new drink or food product
target market
the people that a company has as its main customers
having the latest technology and design
highly developed
A phrase or sentence that attracts people’s attention and makes them remember a product
a part of a market or social group
a small amount or example of something that can be looked at or tried in order to see what is is like
sales pitch
the arguments used by a person who is trying to sell something
response rate
The percentage of people who reply to a survey
a list of questions given as part of a survey
public relations
Activities that aim to promote the image of an organisation
prospective customer
someone who might decide to buy something
product range
the different products offered by a company
product line
a group of related products offered by a company
press release
an official statement issued to the media on a particular matter
phase out
to remove or stop using something gradually or in stages
a specialised but profitable corner of the market (a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.)
mystery shopper
a person employed to visit the shop in order to assess the quality of the goods
goods to be bought and sold / products used to promote a film or a pop group or linked to a fictional character
market share
a part of the market dominated by a particular company or product
market sector
a part of the market such as a particular industry or group of customers
loss leader
a product sold at a loss in order to attract customers
introducing a new company or product to the public fo the first time
a short tune with an advertising message designed to be easily remembered
extensive or exaggerated use of publicity or promotion
guerilla marketing
an innovative way of marketing that aims to get maximum exposure as cheaply as possible
something that is given free for promotional purposes
an unusual or amusing trick or device intended to attract attention or customers
gap in the market
An area of business in which there are few or no competitors and where profits can be made
a total failure
Something that is discovered or learned as a result of research
field research
The collection of data not from existing research sources but by carrying out ones own surveys or experiments
the special quality or characteristic of a product
a testimonial or public statement approving of something
end user
The person who actually uses a particular product or service
related to the cheaper or less prestigious sector of the market
disposable income
Income left to spend after necessary payments have been made
direct mail
advertising that is sent directly to potential customers
desk research
the collection of data from existing research
a need for something
customer survey
An investigation into the opinions of a group of customers to find out if they are satisfied with existing products and what they expect from new products
a person who buys a product or service
A person who writes the text of advertisements or other publicity material
consumer durable
Manufactured goods that are expected to have a long life after purchase
a person who buys goods and services for his/her own use and not for resale
competitive advantage
something that help business to be better or more successful that the others
an activity involving two or more businesses in which each tries to get people to buy its goods rather than those of the other firms
A statement that a business makes about the nature or quality of its product that may or may nor be true
buzz marketing
creating interest in a new product by persuading interested users or websites to pass on the message about it to other people or websites (viral marketing technique focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a campaign or product)
break into a market
to start to operate in a particular area of business
brand stretching
using an established brand name on a new product
brand loyalty
the tendency for some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands
brand image
the associations a product creates in the minds of the public
a large sign used for advertising
Evaluating something by comparing it to industry standards and the best practices of other companies
banner ad
an advertisement in the form of a box
The quality that makes something attractive or interesting
advertising copy
the written material used in an advertisement
advertising campaign
a programme of activities aimed at increasing sales or the awareness of a product/service
a company or person that sells something
trial order
a small initial order placed by the customer to test a product or service before committing to a larger order
A person or company that buys things to sell at a profit
trade show
an event at which many companies show and sell their products
trade discount
a discount on the retail price agreed between traders
supply chain
the processes and companies that are involved in making and selling a product
a person or organisation that provides goods or services
batch of goods destined for or delivered to a customer
sales representative
a member of company’s sales force
a fee paid in advance to someone who might provide a service when required
a person or business that sells goods to the public directly
retail outlet
places where individual customers make purchases
an agent of a company who visits customers in order to sell products
measures aimed at encouraging the sale of a product
The amount of money that is lent or invested to earn interests
fresh goods that are likely to deteriorate
material in which goods are packed for delivery
material in which goods are packed for sale
the sale of drugs or medicine that do not need a doctor´s prescription
a place from where goods are sold to the public
order processing
the activity of dealing with every stage of a customer´s order
a person who buys goods from producers and sells them to retailers or consumers
mail order
a system of buying and selling goods through the mail
a person or business that acts as a link between buyers and sellers
a company that transports goods by road
grey market
the trade of goods through distribution channels that are legal but not intended by the original manufacturer
the act of asking for information
The person or company supplies goods to shops or other businesses
to send off to a destination
reduction in the use of intermediaries between producers and consumers
the place where something is going to be sent
department store
a large shop selling many kinds of goods in different departments
showing how something works or is performed
a share in the profit or money (to take a cut of the sales)
the strategies that a company uses to optimise its interaction with current and future customers
selling a different product/service to an existing customer
A statement that is unsatisfactory or unacceptable
cold calling
the practise of telephoning or visiting someone unexpectedly in order to try sell them sth.
the system if paying for goods when they are delivered
brick-and-mortar store
a place in a building that customers go to (opposite word is online store)
Providing help to customers after they have bought a product/service
offering benefits at a lower price than one might expect
unit price
price for one item
term (of a loan)
the length of time that the loan will last
standing order
an instruction to a bank by an account holder to make regular fixed payments to a particular person or organisation
a letter sent to someone who has not paid on the agreed date
a printed statement acknowledging that something has been paid for
amount of money gained after the costs of making or getting it have been paind
pay off a loan
to pay back money borrowed
owe (dlužit)
to have to pay back something that is borrowed
overdraft facility
Maximum amount of money that a holder of a bank account is allowed to borrow from that account
the regular expenditure of a business
the percentage of the amount that a product is sold for (profit for the seller)
lump sum payment
a single payment of money
money that has been lost by a business
loan shark
A moneylender who charges unreasonably high interest rates
state of having enough cash or things of value that can easily be turned into cash in order to pay debts
a list of goods or services that have been sold or work that has been done
amount charged for money that is borrowed
one of a number of payments
the crime of getting money by deceiving people
fixed costs
costs that do not vary with output
money paid for a journey on public transport
exchange rate
the value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another
required at a certain time or on a certain date
A sum of money that is donated to the charity
a reduction in the usual cost of something
direct debit
an agreement made with a bank which allows a third party to transfer money from an account on agreed date
to fail to repay a debt or loan
to remove an amount of money from an account
debit card
a card allowing the holder to transfer money electronically from their bank account when making a purchase
The extent to which a borrower can be trusted to repay a debt
a person or company to whom money is owed
to credit
to add an amount of money to an account
credit transfer
direct payment of money from one bank account to another
credit risk
The possibility that a borrower will not repay a loan
credit limit
the maximum amount that a lender will give a borrower
credit control
a system used by a business to make sure that it gives credit only to customers who are able to pay and also that customers pay on time
the amount of money that someone asks in return for goods or services
cash discount
a price reduction is given if a customer pay immediately or in cash
a printed or written statement of money owed for goods or services
the distribution of resources or duties for a particular purpose
not too expensive to buy
a building where large quantities of goods can be stored before being sent for sale
supervisory board
a group appointed by shareholders to advise directors on the managing of the company and ensure that everything is done correctly
a company that is at least half-owned by another company
a new company or venture
anyone who has a direct or indirect interest in the success of an organisation
all the people employed by a company or organisation
sole trader
a person who has his/her own business
small to medium-sized enterprise (SME)
a company that does not have a large number of employees and does not sell a large amount of goods or services
a person or business that sells goods to the public
research and development (RaD)
the part of business that deals with designing and testing new products
quality assurance
The activity of managing the process of producing goods to make sure that they are kept at the standard the customer expects
public relations PR
the job of presenting a positive image of the organisation to the public
the place where a company carries out its business
a list of a company’s employees and the amount of money they are paid
a type of business organisation made up of a group of professionals who work together
parent company
an organisation that owns and controls other companies
organisation chart
a diagram that shows the structure of an organisation and the relationship between different jobs
open-plan office
a large office space with no dividing walls
the routine activity of keeping property and equipment in good condition
listed company (plc)
a company with limited liablity whose shares are freely traded
limited liability
a legal position in which if the company cannot pay its debts the shareholders are responsible only for the money they have given
limited company
a company with limited liability whose shares are not sold to the public
legal entity
a person or organisation that has the right to make contracts
human resources
the department in a company that deals with employing and training people
an organisation with levels in which people higher up give orders to people lower down
the head office or main building of an organisation
go public
to offer shares for sale to the public
a person who starts up a company
the process of offering a companys shares for sale on the stock market for the first time
a company or business especially one that is difficult and involves taking risks
the action or process of supplying goods to retailers
a section of a large business
a business providing a service between two parties
a person or organisation attached to a larger body
the process or activity of running a business or an organisation
a written description of something
video conference
a meeting conducted over the intertnet
written description of something
to arrange for an event to take place at a later date or time
information presented in a formal or official way
a record of the events processes and decisions in a meeting
a short note to inform or remind someone
liaise with
to work closely with other people and share information
the formal rules or a code for polite behaviour
dress code
a set of rules that an organisation has about what people must or must not wear
corporate culture
the attitudes or beliefs that are shared by a particular group of people or in particular organisation
a statement by someone that something is true but which in not proved
the time at the end of the meeting when subjects that are not on the agenda can be discussed
a formal public statement to announce something
to interrupt an event in order to continue at a later time or date