1,001 Facts that Will Scare the S#t Out of You - The Ultimate Bathroom Reader Flashcards
What are the top six dirtiest foods?
Peaches, apples, nectarines, and strawberries are among the top six “dirtiest” foods , according to investigations by the Environmental Working Group. More than 90 percent of samples of these fruits tested positive for detectable pesticides, even after being rinsed or peeled.
What well known poison is approved by the FDA?
The well-known poison arsenic is approved by the FDA as an additive to poultry feed and given to at least
70 percent of chickens raised for consumption in the United States. Arsenic has been linked to cancer, birth defects,diabetes, and death. Worse, arsenic has almost no taste.
Does term natural have nutritional meaning?
The term “natural” (or “all-natural”) has no nutritional meaning and is not defined or regulated by the FDA, so packaged goods and restaurants can use the term at will. For example, fast-food chain Arby’s claims to serve “100 percent all-natural chicken,” but uses artificial
No. 1 killer of the American teenagers is?
More American teenagers are killed in car accidents than by any other cause, accounting for more than one in three fatalities. Risk of accident is highest in the first year that a teen drives,
Is love addictive?
Some scientists view love in terms of addiction,and they might be right. One study discovered that monogamous pairing is based in the same region of the brain as drug addiction . Losing your love can be likeexperiencing withdrawal
How many fast food workers are killed every month on average?
More fast-food employees were murdered on the job in 1998 than police officers. An average of four to five fast-food workers are killed every month , usually during robberies, as fast food is largely a cash business and most restaurants have large amounts on site at any given time.
What is trichotillomania?
Trichotillomania is a behavioral disorder that makes people rip their own hair out , pulling it from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and more, with bald patches as result. The condition affects as many as 9 million Americans
Cotard’s syndrome is?
People with Cotard’s syndrome can suffer from a variety of delusions, which range from a belief that they
are missing body parts or vital organs to thinking that they are dead, have lost their soul, or do not even exist. The illness is found mostly in individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder .
What is Capgras’ delusion?
People who experience Capgras’ delusion are convinced that others, usually those closest to them, have been replaced by identical impostors .The condition affects both sexes, but occurs more frequently in women.
What is Piblokto, or Arctic hysteria?
Piblokto, or Arctic hysteria, is a mental disorder that affects people living in the Arctic Circle, typically Inuit women. I t is marked by frenzied, disturbed behavior such as uncontrolled screaming, running wildly , or removing one’s clothing in frigid weather; memory loss; seizures; and other symptoms reminiscent of epilepsy .
What is Exploding Head Syndrome?
Exploding Head Syndrome is a rare phenomenon in which a person approaching deep sleep experiences aloud bang in his head that sounds like a bomb exploding or similarly loud noise. Though the event seems to originate from inside the head, it is an illusion and does no physical damage to its victim.
Dangerous of sneezing?
If you sneeze hard enough, you can fracture a rib. But try to suppress a sneeze and you might rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and drop dead.
What can acid in your stomach dissolve?
The acid in your stomach is so powerful that it can dissolve a razor blade in less than a week.
If a boy is born without testosterone, what will happen?
If a boy is born without testosterone, his genitalia will mimic that of a female : the scrotum forms labia majora—the outer lips of a vagina—and the penis becomes a sort of clitoris.
Do we grow while sleeping?
We grow in our sleep, and wake up every morning about eight millimeters taller than the night before.However, we return to our former height as gravity compresses our cartilage discs back into place throughout the next day.
What human saliva helps in?
Human saliva helps keep the mouth’s pH balance slightly alkaline.If it didn’t, the mouth would create an acidic environment that would rot away your teeth .
How many sperm testicles create?
Male testicles create 10 million new sperm cells everyday, enough to repopulate the planet in just six months.
What can strong emotions do to your heart?
Strong positive or negative emotions— ecstasy ,grief, excitement— can lead to sudden cardiac death via ventricular fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), as in the case of people who have died during sexual intercourse or when frightened.
What percentage of cells are actually human cells?
Only 10 percent of the cells in our bodies are actually human. The rest are the 90 trillion bacteria that live on or in us , covering our bodies from head to toe.
Less sleep contributes to?
Less sleep disturbs normal metabolism, which contributes to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease . People who averaged just five hours of sleep a night also showed a higher level of ghrelin, a hormone the stomach releases to signal hunger.
How many minutes of life does one cigarette reduce?
The British Medical Journal has estimated that smoking one cigarette takes eleven minutes off the life of an average person.
How many sweat is secreted daily from your feet?
The 250,000 pores that exist on the soles of the feet secrete almost 60ml of sweat every day .
Urine VS Saliva?
Believe it or not, fresh urine is cleaner than saliva or your facial skin.Healthy urine is sterile and contains little or no bacteria when it leaves your body .
How many Americans have genital herpes?
Up to 20 percent of Americans have genital herpes, which has no cure and is easily transmitted through sexual contact.
Is allergy to human semen possible?
Some women are allergic to their male partner’s semen , a condition known as human seminal plasma hypersensitivity. Sufferers complain of symptoms such as wheezing, itching, hives, swelling, chest tightness, vomiting,and diarrhea. Severe reactions can cause loss of consciousness and even death from anaphylactic shock.
What are dry orgasms?
Some men can experience retrograde ejaculation,or “dry orgasms,” when semen travels backwards into the bladder instead of being expelled. The illness can be congenital, or caused by medications, diabetes, or damage to nerves and muscles that control the opening of the bladder.
Does sudden appearance of a sexually transmitted disease indicate infidelity?
The sudden appearance of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in a monogamous couple does not necessarily indicate infidelity by either partner. Some infections can lie dormant for years after initial exposure.
What is PSAS?
Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS) is a medical condition where a woman experiences“spontaneous, intrusive and unwanted” feelings of arousal in the genital area without sexual desire . PSAS can continue for days or months, is not abated by sexual activity, and causes distraction and psychological distress in sufferers.
Traditional herbs known for aphrodisiac properties?
Several traditional herbs are being studied for the aphrodisiac properties, including yohimbe, tribulus, and maca. Combinations of these are sold as “natural Viagra,”but be wary: their effectiveness is unproven , and some, like yohimbe, a type of tree bark, can be lethal if consumed in large quantities.
What is TMS?
Traumatic Masturbatory Syndrome (TMS) is the habit of masturbating in a face-down position against abed or floor , which puts excessive pressure on the penis,and can interfere with sexual relations.
The most common sexually transmitted infection is?
The most common sexually transmitted infection is genital human papillomavirus, also known as HPV. About 20 million Americans are presently infected with HPV,with 6.2 million more becoming infected every year.
How many people are currently having sex?
On any given day, about 400 million people across the globe will have sexual intercourse, which means that about 4,000 people are probably having sex right now.
What is chlamydia?
The sexually transmitted disease chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis .Symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild, but serious cases can lead to irrevocable damage to the reproductive organs,chronic pelvic pain, and infertility, without a woman ever recognizing the problem
How many people are approximately addicted to sex?
As much as 6 percent of the world’s population—more than 400 million people—suffer from addiction to sex.
How many bacteria does average office desk have?
Office desks have 400 times more bacteria than toilet seats. So, be safe and eat your lunch on a toilet instead of at your desk.
Which object in the office carries the most germs?
Telephones carry the most germs in an office, followed by desks, microwave door handles, water fountain handles and computer keyboards.
What is the word in China for overworking?
China has a word for death by overwork :guolaosi. Named after that hardw orking American actor,Bela Guolaosi
Why employees steal?
Employees who steal rarely do so because of need. I n one poll, almost half of respondents said they stole from their employer out of greed . Another 43 percent did so out of vindictiveness or “to get even.”
How many blood is pumped to your head with every heart beat?
Every time your heart beats, it pumps a quarter of your blood to the head . Brain cells then process 20 percent of the oxygen and food your blood contains.
Is blowing your nose when having a could really a good idea?
Blowing your nose when you have a cold might feel good, but it can actually worsen your condition. Blowing generates enormous pressure and propels mucus into the sinuses , spreading viruses or bacteria and potentially causing further infection.
What is belly button made off?
Belly button lint is made up of clothing fibers,dead skin, and more . You should keep your navel clean and dry to prevent infection from candida, a type of fungus.
What are the high heel drawbacks?
High heels are blamed by orthopedists for chronic back problems and postural difficulties. Wearing high-heel shoes regularly causes the tendon in the leg to shrink,making it painful to wear flat shoes. Some even blame high heels for problems with the internal organs in the abdomen, since the distortion of posture pushes the pelvic region out of normal alignment.
Why never share a mascara?
Never share mascara, as this is the most common way that people pass on eye infections like conjunctivitis (pinkeye), which is highly contagious.
What are the top reasons for seeing a doctor in the US?
Mental health concerns are one of Americans’ top reasons for seeking medical treatment .Depression and other mental problems prompted 156 million of us to visit doctors, clinics, and hospitals in 2005.
What is the most widespread infectious disease?
Tuberculosis (TB) is among the most widespread and frequently fatal infectious diseases in the world. TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis ,which infects an estimated one-third of the world’s population.
Celiac disease problems are?
In humans with celiac disease, the body’s immune system damages the lining of the small intestine when it processes gluten, hindering the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food and causes numerous digestive problems. Untreated celiac disease can be life-threatening.
What does heart failure actually mean?
The medical condition known as heart failure doe snot mean that your heart has arrested or is about to quit working, but that the organ isn’t pumping enough blood through the body.
What are cutaneous horns?
Humans can grow horns . Called cutaneous
horns, they grow when the skin surface thickens, typically in response to disease.
What is one of the most dangerous sports?
Between two and three jockeys are killed each year—the same number of players who have died in professional baseball’s entire history—making horse racing one of the most dangerous sports .
Rugby song lyrics…?
Many rugby song lyrics and the particular plays within the game (presumably jokingly) glorify raping other men’s girlfriends and mothers
In boxing, a “knockout” is synonymous with?
In boxing, a “knockout” is synonymous with cerebral concussion, which can lead to short- or even long-term amnesia and confusion. Another concern is that the neurological damage is cumulative and makes the boxer increasingly vulnerable to future injury and permanent neurological trauma.
If you ascend too quickly while scuba diving, you risk…?
If you ascend too quickly while scuba diving, you risk lung over-expansion, a condition that occurs when air is inhaled underwater and not exhaled while rising to the surface. The air in the lungs expands as the diver ascends,and can result in potentially lethal air bubbles in the blood .
What is hyponatremia?
Holding in urine too long puts you at risk of death from hyponatremia , also called “water intoxication,” the result of consuming more water than your body can regulate. In 2007, a twenty-eight-year-old woman died of hyponatremia during a “Hold Your Wee for a Wii”contest sponsored by a local radio station in Sacramento,California.
What weird ingredients are used in perfumes?
The chemicals indole and skatole, which cause the foul smell of human feces , are used as ingredients in perfume.
How much time will the average person spend on toilet?
The average human will spend three years on the toilet during his lifetime.
How much drugs does U.S. consume?
The U.S. has only 4 percent of the world’s population, but consumes 65 percent of its supply of hard drugs
What happens when you take alcohol and cocaine together?
Potentially dangerous interactions can occur when taking cocaine and alcohol in any combination. Both drugs convert to cocaethylene in the body, which is more toxic and has a longer duration in the brain than either drug alone. The mixture creates the most common fatal two-drug combination
What is the No.1 cause of death in the U.S.?
Smoking contributes to heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States .Cigarette smokers quadruple their risk for developing coronary heart disease.
Women who smoke have an increased risk for?
Women who smoke increase their risk for infertility,stillbirth, preterm delivery, low birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Among women, cigarette use correlates with…?
Among women, cigarette use correlates with level of education . Smoking estimates are highest for women without traditional high-school diplomas and lowest for women with college degrees.
MDMA is also known as?
The synthetic drug MDMA, better known asEcstasy, interferes with the ability of the body toregulate temperature and can cause liver, kidney, and
cardiovascular failure, and death.
Which country has the most people behind the bars?
The United States has 2.3million people behind bars,m aking it the world leader in thenum ber and percentage ofresidents we incarcerate
Which country has the most executions in the world?
Two-thirds of the world’ s executions occur in China.
Yakuza consider themselves as?
Yakuza, the Japanese mafia, consider themselves descendents of samurai .
High-risk time of year for lightning strikes in America is?
The July 4th holiday is a high-risk time of year for lightning strikes in America as people across the country take to the outdoors for activities like swimming, boating,golfing, picnics, etc.
The most destructive volcanic eruption of the twentieth century was?
The most destructive volcanic eruption of the twentieth century occurred in 1991 at Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. The blast was so powerful that it caused a global sulfuric haze and a temperature drop of almost one degree Fahrenheit around the world.
What is candiru?
If you urinate when swimming in a South American river, you might encounter the candiru, a tiny fish that will follow a stream of urine to its source, enter the body , and flare its barbed fins, keeping it firmly embedded in the flesh until it can be surgically removed.
The world’s most deadliest bears are?
Of the world’s numerous species of bears, the most deadly are polar, black, and grizzly bears .These species will attack, trample, and maul their prey until it is frightened off or dead, and will attack for a variety of reasons, including hunger .
When threatened, what hairy frog, or “horror frog” does?
When threatened, the hairy frog, or “horror frog,”intentionally breaks its own bones to produce claws that puncture through the frog’s toe pads to become defensive weapons.
What colors you should not wear while swimming?
If you swim in ocean areas known to contain sharks, avoid wearing yellow or orange: sharks have very good eyesight and find these colors particularly irritating .
How many people do elephants kill each year?
Elephants may appear friendly and approachable,but don’t be fooled: these unpredictable giants cause an estimated 300–500 fatalities a year . Even tame, trained elephants have been known to attack without provocation and kill zoo-keepers who have been with them for as long as fifteen years.
One of the most Africa’s deadly animal is?
The hippopotamus is a highly aggressive animal,and one of Africa’s most deadly .
How many people do crocodiles kill?
Crocodiles are ferocious killers that cause 600–800 human deaths every year
How many people are killed by big cats?
Big cat attacks on humans cause an estimated 800 fatalities a year—and they are increasing, particularly attacks by tigers in Africa and India, and mountain lions in North America. Experts blame the increase on destruction of the animals’ natural habitats and a decline in prey species.
How many cats and dogs are euthanized every year in U.S. shelters?
Almost 4 million cats and dogs are euthanized every year in U.S. animal shelters.
The worlds deadliest snake is?
The black mamba is widely considered the world’s deadliest snake. Territorial and aggressive, the black mamba strikes repeatedly to kill its prey with powerful venom .
Statistics about violent acts and murders on TV?
By the time they finish elementary school,American children have seen 8,000 murders on TV .By the time they graduate high school, they witness 200,000 violent acts and 40,000 murders.
How much was Michael Jordan paid to promote Nike shoes?
In 1992, Nike paid Michael Jordan $2 million to promote their shoes, as much money as the combined wages of all the workers in the factories that made them.
Most choked object in America?
More Americans choke on toothpicks than any other object. Toothpicks injure almost 9,000 people every year.
The largest source of added sugar in the U.S. diet is?
Soft drinks represent the largest single source of added sugars in the American diet.
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is?
Well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. Seventy percent of Americans cannot identify the source of the phrase,
American presidential speeches are geared toward?
Studies show that American presidential speeches today are geared to the comprehension level of an average seventh grader . Fifty years ago, presidents spoke to Americans at a twelfth-grade level.
What is Karoshi?
Karoshi —the phenomenon of being worked to death —is a Japanese phenomenon.
Preventable medical errors that kill as many as ?
A recent report from the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine estimates that hospitals make preventable medical errors that kill as many as 98,000 people each year—more than cancer, AIDS, and auto accidents.
What can Viagra cause?
Viagra (sildenafil), a treatment for erectile dysfunction, can cause blurred vision and problems distinguishing between green and blue.Researchers suspect that Viagra users are at risk for permanent loss of vision because the drug cuts off the flow of blood from the optic nerve, a condition called nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION)
In Ancient Egypt, what organ was left in the corpse?
When a body was mummified in Ancient Egypt,the brain was removed through the nostrils , and other organs were stored in jars. Only the heart was left in the corpse.
What could a father do in early Rome with his family members?
A father in early Rome could legally sell any family member into slavery. In early Rome, a father could also legally execute any member of his household.
What is the cause of Mayan civilization collapse?
The Classic Mayan civilization thrived for over 600 years before collapsing abruptly in the ninth century. The cause of their extinction is unknown , and still debated today, more than 1,100 years later.
Which Roman Emperor gave a position in Senate to an animal?
Roman Emperor Gaius (Caligula) was so proud of his horse that he gave the animal a position in the Senate .
How many Jews were killed by the end of WW2?
By the end of World War II in 1945, nearly all of Europe’s Jewish population had been wiped out by the Holocaust: 4 million in Adolf Hitler’s death camps, and 2 million in ghettos in Warsaw.
What Napoleon used to construct his battle plans?
Napoleon used a sandbox to construct his battle plans. He was too short to reach the map tables.
What are cockroaches carrying?
A cockroach carries more than forty different pathogens that can be transferred to humans, including pneumonia, hepatitis, and typhoid.
How many bugs are there?
There are about 10 quintillion insects on Earth at any given moment; that’s 1.5 billion bugs for every human on the planet.
The most dangerous insect in the world is?
The most dangerous insect in the world is the mosquito,responsible for the spread of malaria, which infects 350–500 million people each year, killing as many as a million
Which continent has no scorpions?
There are 1,250 species of scorpions in the world, on every continent but Antarctica.
How many dangerous scorpions does U.S. has?
The United States is home to just one dangerous species of scorpion , C. exilacauda , or the Arizona Bark scorpion, but beware: its sting can cause respiratory failure, metabolic acidosis, and death.
How many bee stings can kill you?
It would take 500–800 honey bee stings to kill a human based on the toxic effects of the venom alone, but to someone with a bee allergy, one sting can cause a deadly anaphylactic reaction.
What name can’t be given to a pig in France?
In France, you are forbidden to name a pig“Napoleon.”
A pregnant woman in Britain can urinate where?
By law , a pregnant woman can urinate anywhere she wants in Britain— even, if she so chooses,in a police officer’s helmet.
Is masturbation punishable in Indonesia?
Masturbation is an offense punishable by decapitation in Indonesia.
Men are permitted to have sexual intercourse with an animal in which country?
In Lebanon, men are permitted to have sexual intercourse with an animal , but only if it is female. Sex with a male animal is punishable by death.
Where was Donald Duck banned and why?
Donald Duck was once banned in Finland because he doesn’t wear any pants .
What do Hindus believe about cow urine?
Hindus believe cow urine is medicinal ; it is often drunk in religious festivals.
How often do suicides happen in China?
On average, a Chinese person takes his or her own life every two minutes , adding up to 250,000 to 300,000 suicides a year.
Can U.S. people come into contact with aliens legally?
U.S. citizens are not legally permitted to come into contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles,according to Title 14, section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented in 1969.
How many Americans claimed that they have seen a ghost?
Ten percent of Americans claim they have seen a ghost .
Where the majority of our waste ends?
80 percent of the waste that humans produce ends up in our oceans , including everything from solid garbage and sewage to fertilizers, oil, and toxic chemicals.