09. smúkʷaʔxn̓ Flashcards
sprinkle (like salt)
smúkʷaʔxn̓ seeds
iʔ smúkʷaʔxn̓ y̓lmixʷm̓ tl̓ yʕat iʔ sc̓aʔák̓ʷ.
The smúkʷaʔxn̓ is the chief of all the flowers
iʔ smúkʷaʔxn̓ l̓ x̌w̓x̌w̓úlaʔxʷ kaʔ čplal̓ laʔkín̓ kaʔ čkʷəkʷl̓al.
The smúkʷaʔxn̓ grows in dry land where there is sunshine
l̓ k̓ɬx̌sx̌sin̓k uɬ nixʷ l̓ saʔátqʷɬp sc̓l̓c̓al̓ kaʔ čplal̓.
It grows on hillsides and in pine forests.
kʷr̓kʷriʔ iʔ sc̓aʔc̓aʔák̓ʷs.
The flowers are yellow
iʔ pačkɬs kəkip uɬ čkw̓pw̓píc̓aʔ.
The leaves are soft and covered in hair
sƛ̓aʔčínm̓, sník̓ɬc̓aʔ uɬ nixʷ iʔ k̓ʷiƛ̓t iʔ tmixʷ c̓iɬsts iʔ smúkʷaʔxn̓ .
Deer, elk, and other animals eat the smúkʷaʔxn̓.
iʔ tmixʷ c̓iɬsts iʔ smúkʷaʔxn̓ pačkɬ, misx̌ásts iʔ sc̓aʔák̓ʷs.
The animals eat the smúkʷaʔxn̓, their favourite is the flowers
yʕayʕát iʔ smúkʷaʔxn̓ ksʔíɬiʔs iʔ sqilxʷ.
All parts of the smúkʷaʔxn̓ are eaten by the people.
ɬa čplal̓ iʔ smúkʷaʔxn̓ l̓ sqipč, ksr̓n̓tim̓ uɬ
ʔiɬn̓tm̓ .
When the smúkʷaʔxn̓ grows in spring, we peel them and eat them.
ixíʔ aʔ čxʔit t sʔiɬn̓ l̓ sqipč.
It’s the first thing eaten in spring
x̌sʔiɬn̓ ɬə kp̓əp̓q̓ʷínaʔn̓txʷ t c̓art.
It’s delicious when sprinkled with salt
ɬa čwy̓sc̓aʔák̓ʷm̓, tixʷn̓tm̓ iʔ sc̓ʕal̓qn̓, əčʔum̓stsəl̓x t miktúʔtn̓ .
When they are done flowering, we gather the seeds, which are called miktúʔtn̓