08a - Email Security Flashcards
What are the SMTP and MIME standards?
What is the difference between a MIME content type and a MIME transfer encoding?
Why is base64, conversion useful for an email application?
What is DKIM?
If a lossless compression algorithm, such as ZIP, is used with S/MIME, why is it preferable to generate a signature before applying compression?
Consider base64 conversion as a form of encryption. In this case, there is no key. But suppose that an opponent knew only that some form of substitution algorithm was being used to encrypt English text and did not guess that it was base64. How effective would this algorithm be against cryptanalysis?
Summarize the key functional components of the internet mail architecture.
Explain the basic functionality of SMTP, POP3, and IMAP.
Explain the need for MIME and as an enhancement to ordinary email.
Describe the key elements of MIME.
Understand the functionality of S/MIME and these security threats it addresses.
Understand the basic mechanisms of STARTTLS and its role in email security.
Understand the basic mechanisms of DANE and its role in email security.
Understand the basic mechanisms of SPF and its role in email security.
Understand the basic mechanisms of DKIM and its role in email security.