08 - IM Forensics Flashcards
Where is the main database file for Skype located and how is it called?
Name: main.db
Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/YourSkypeName/main.db
What are the main tables of the Skype main.db?
- Accounts: Information about the Skype account used on the device
- CallMembers: Contacts that participated in a call
- Calls: Calls in that the user participated
- ChatMembers: Contacts that participated in a chat session
- Contacts: Skype contacts
- Conversations: Conversations that the user participated
- Messages: Messages exchange by the user
- SMSes: SMS messages sent to mobile numbers
- Participants: Conversation participants
- Transfers: Transferred files from and to the user
- Voicemails: Voicemails sent to the user
- Videos: List of video calls
What and where are the main database files for WhatsApp for iOS and Android?
Files: ChatStorage.sqlite, Contacts.sqlite
Location: /var/mobile/Applications
Files: Msgstore.db, wa.db
Location: com.whatsapp/databases/
What are the main tables in the iOS WhatsApp contacts.sqlite database?
- All contacts found on the phone
- Phone numbers of all the contacts
- ZCONTACT (FK to zwacontact.z_pk), ZFAVORITE, ZLABEL, ZPHONE (Contact phone number), ZWHATSAPPID
- Information related to the contact’s profile
- ZPHONE (FK zwaphone.zphone), ZPICTUREPATH, ZTEXT
What are the main tables in the iOS WhatsApp ChatStorage.sqlite database?
ZWACHATSESSION : List of unique conversations started with different contacts or groups
ZWAGROUPINFO : List of group conversations
ZWAGROUPMEMBER : List of contacts participating in group conversations
ZWAMEDIAITEM : List of exchanged media items
ZWAMESSAGE : List of messages exchanged
ZWAMESSAGEWORD : List of single words included in all the conversations
What are the main tables in the Android WhatsApp msgstore.db database?
- List of unique conversations
- Key_remote_jid (unique id in xxxxs@whatsappgroup.com)
- List of messages exchanged
- key_remote_jid, key_from_me (0 = incoming, 1 = outgoing), data (message content), timestamp (UNIX epoch format), media_url (URL to file), media_mime_type (MIME type of exchange file), media_size, media_name, media_duration (duration of video files in sec), latitude, longitude
- All contacts found on the phone
- jid, is_whatsapp_user (boolean), is_iphone (boolean), status (status text of contact), number, display_name, phone_type (mobile or home), given_name, family_name, wa_name (contact whatsapp name)
What are the main db files of Viber for iOS and Android and where are they located?
File: Contacts.data
Location: /var/mobile/Applications
File: viber_data, viber_messages
Location: /data/data/com.viber.voip
What are the main tables of the Viber - iOS - Contacts.db?
ZABCONTACT: All contacts found on the phone
ZATTACHMENT: All the attachments exchanged
ZCONVERSATION: List of unique conversations
ZPHONENUMBERINDEX: List of phone numbers
ZRECENT: List of recent calls
ZSTICKER: Data related to the sticker icons
ZSTICKERSPACKAGE: Data related to the available sticker packages
ZVIBERLOCATION: Latitude and longitude of each message sent
ZVIBERMESSAGE: List of messages exchanged
What are the main tables of the Viber - Android - viber_messages?
- List of messages exchanged in clear text
- thread_id (FK to threads.id), address, date (UNIX epoch format), status (msg delivery status, 1=sent, 2=delivered), type (0 = incoming, 1=outgoing), body, location_lat, location_lng, extra_uri (file path) and description
- List of participants in each of the conversations
- List of unique conversations started with different contacts or groups
- id, date (UNIX epoch format), message_count, recipient_number, share_location (boolean: True = sharing enabled)
What are the main tables of the Viber - Android - viber_data?
- List of recent calls
- number, date (UNIX epoch format), duration, type
- List of all contacts found on the phone
- low_display_name, viber, display_name
- List of list of phone numbers
- list of phone numbers with a photo attribute