07 - The Behaviour of sellers I - Marketing orientation Flashcards
What is a marketing concept?
Business philosophy.
Explain the meaning of Market Orientation
Market orientation means the implementation of the marketing concept. Market Oriented Organization = whose actions are consistent with the marketing concept.
Market Orientation = The organization wide generation of marketing intelligence, pertaining to current and future customer needs, dissemination of the intelligence across departments, and organisationwide responsiveness to it.
What is Market Intelligence
- Data is typically available in huge volumes and describes individual and unarguable facts.
- Information is produced when data are combined in an attempt to answer a question
- Intelligence interprets data and information to tell a story (fx a forecast), that can be used to inform decision-making and strategy to integrate information with a plan to do something about it.
What are the three core themes of marketing concepts?
- Customer focus:
Taking action based on market intelligence = 1. Market factors like competion, regulation that effect customer needs and preferences 2. Current and future needs of customers - Coordinated marketing:
More departments should be aware of customer needs so a more focused marketing apporach can happen. This is important to facilitate operationalizing the construct by clearly specifying the type of coordination that is relevant. - Profitability:
Consequence of market orientation, it is not the sole purpose of marketing, just as eating is not the purpose of human life.
What are the three importan factors of Market orientation
Three important factors
o Understanding customers’ current and future needs and the factors affecting them
o Sharing this in other apartments
o React on what other shares
Explain the model called: Antecedents and consequences of a market orientation
Kohli, A.K. & Jaworski, B.J. (1990). Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications.
Explain Senior Management and market orientation
Model: Antecedents and consequences of a market orientation
Top managers have powerful impacts on an organization. The commitment of top managers is an essential prerequisite to a market orientation. “The right signals from the chief”. Managers must clearly communicate their commitment.
Communication: There is a gap between what top managers say and what they do
Explain Interdepartmental dynamics
Model: Antecedents and consequences of a market orientation
The formal and informal interactions and relationships among an organization’s departments. Interdepartmental conflict: may stem from natural desires of individual departments.
Interdepartmental dynamics are the formal and informal interactions and relationships among an organization’s departments.
Figure 3 illustrates, an additional construct pertaining to interdepartmental dynamics suggested by the literature on group dynamics in concern for others’ ideas.
Concerns for other ideas refers to openness and receptivity to the suggestions and proposals of other individuals or groups.
Explain Organizational Systems
Model: Antecedents and consequences of a market orientation
→ Structural factors: Departmentalization. Formalization. Decentralization
organizations must create a system that facilitates the acquisition, exchange, and dissemination of information in order to achieve market orientation
What are the Consequences of Market Orientation?
that a organizations strategy becomes more focused and concistent. Leads to a cohesive product focus, clear leadership, better coordination of sales activities, much better job of reviewing products from a worldwide basis, help in term of differentiation.
Other consequences are on employees of psychological and social benefits, more pride due to the entire organization is working towards the same goal of serving customers. Employees want to contribute and help individuals and the society.
Third consqeunces of Market orientation involves the customer attitudes and behavior, which stems from customers positive thought about the company and then they spread the good word of mouth to other customers.
Market Orientation might also raise customers expatiations of product quality, response time which can lead to more unsatisfied customers in the long run.
Are market orientated companies really performing better? How can we find out?
- Developted instrument to test the model whether companies are market orientated or not – you should measure
o Top management
o Interdepartmental dynamics
o Organizational systems - Antecedents and consequences of Market orientation should also be measured
- Studies shows, that there are a relationsip between market orientation and performance measures like profitability, sales and market share
How does the value orientation work?
What are the three types of quality criteria?
- Search – we can search on the internet before making a decision (what can you see when you buy the product)
- Experience – We can only experience after the product is bought fx: the taste
- Credence (tiltro) Fx. The organic quality – you have to trust the label on the packaging
What is meant by QFD = Quality Function Deployment
A.I.A Costa, M Dekker, W.M.F Jongen (2000), Quality function deployment in the food industry: a review, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 11
an innovative approach bringing quality - as demanded by the customer - upstream in the product development process.
Explain the house of quality
A.I.A Costa, M Dekker, W.M.F Jongen (2000), Quality function deployment in the food industry: a review, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 11
HOQ purpose is to translate important customer requirements regarding product quality into important end-product control characteristics.
Voice of the customer is most critical step in QFD (Customer requirements) - What the costumer wants
Strategic Planning room = Where the company and competitors stand in satisfying the customer needs. Also provides a link between QFD project and the companies strategic vision by showing market opportunities
The voice of the company is where you decide how these requirements can be incorporated into the final product so that the customer is satisfied. - What we can do - how the organization is going to translate customer wants into product and process attributes and design targets
The Technical correlation room is where the QFD team specifies their degree of interdependence, which helps determine the effects of changing one product characteristic on the others attributes, enabling the team to identify and react to synergies (positive) or trade offs situations (negative).
Relationship room where the relationships between each customer requirement (Voice if consumer) and the product characteristics (voice of the company) as well as their intensity are depicted
The HOQ can conclude if products will meet customer needs or they need a new attribute or minor tweaking.