06_Special Cases LP Flashcards
Which special cases can occur during Simplex?
6 items
- No feasible solution
- unbounded solution
- redundant constraints
- primal degeneracy
- dual degeneracy
- multiple optimal solutions
How to detect Primal Degeneracy?
- RHS = 0 of BV
- Simplex might get stuck at a corner point and won’t return optimal solution [cycling]
- corner point is overdetermined
- can also include dual degerenacy if NBV has coefficient 0 in objective function
- NBV with +1 in constraint and all other 0 could be added into basis without changing objective function
How to detect Dual Degeneracy
- NBV has coefficient of 0 in the optimal objective function
- when there is primal degeneracy -> RHS = 0 of basic variable in one constraint
What are special cases in context of Simplex?
- Primal / Dual Degeneracy
- Unbounded Solution
- No Feasible Solution
- Redundant Constraint
- Multiple Optimal Solutions
Multiple Solutions
- objective functions and constraint share same slope
- simplex will return NBV with c(j) = 0 in objective function -> Dual Degeneracy
Unbounded Solution
- objective function can increase indefinitely
- maximizing objective function
- all constraint >= 0
Redundant constraint
- simplex will return **slack variable **of redundant constraint that is always > 0 **and thus in the basis **
How to detect No feasible solution?
- Big - M Method will return optimal solution
- but: artificial variable is still in basis
What causes Dual Degeneracy
- multiple optimal solustions
- when objective function and constraint have the same slope
What causes Redundant Constraints?
- constraint doesn’t add new information
- Slack variable associated with redundant constraint will always be > 0
How to detect unbounded solution in tableau?
- all coefficients in the pivot column will possess a value of smaller or equal 0
How to detect
Redundant constraints in tableau?
- Any tableau has 2 „non-basic rows“ that are multiples of each other
How to detect Primal Degeneracy
with primal simplex
Any tableau has a basis variable with RHS = 0
How to detect Dual Degeneracy
with Primal Simplex
- Optimal Tableau has a non-basic variable with last row-coefficient 0
How to detect non-feasible solution
Big M-Method:
- artificial variable in the basis of the optimal tableau
Two-Phase Method:
- Phase 1 finished with objective function value > 0
Effect of Primal Degeneracyon Simplex Algorithm
- pivot step without changing the objective function value is conducted.
- simplex might get stuck at overdetermined corner point (cycling) and might won’t return optimal solution
Effect of Multiple optimal solutions on Simplex Algorithm
- NBV has coefficient of 0 in objective function
- Simplex will stop at one possible optimal solution
Effect of Unboundness on Simplex Algorithm
- as all column entries in pivot column are negative
- simplex will stop and won’t return result
Effect of non-feasible solution on Simplex Algorithm
- Canonical start form is technically optimal (i.e. all coefficients in objective function row ≤ 0)
- **simplex terminates as artifical variable is still in basis **