06 - Various Suffixes Flashcards
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Mənim otağın gözəldir
My room is beautiful
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da, də
too, also, as well
My home is big
Mənim evim böyükdür
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-maq, -mək
verb stem
the (accusative suffix)
-i, -ı, -u, -ü
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Dedim ki
I said that
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Partada ki kitabı mənə verim
Give me the book that is on the desk
Give me the book that is on the desk
Partada ki kitabı mənə verim
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-i, -ı, -u, -ü
the (accusative suffix)
too, also, as well
da, də
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Burada ki ev mənimdir
The house that is there is mine
The one that is mine
Mənim ki
My home is also big
Mənim də evim böyükdür
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Mənim evim böyükdür
My home is big
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Orada ki
The one that is there
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Mənim ki
The one that is mine
I said that
Dedim ki
The one that is here
Burada ki
The one that is there
Orada ki
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is not
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Mənim də evim böyükdür
My home is also big
verb stem
-maq, -mək
The house that is there is mine
Burada ki ev mənimdir
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Onların kitabları itirdim, ancaq vacib deyil
I lost their books, but it isn’t important
is not
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-dir, -dır, -dur, -dür
-dir, -dır, -dur, -dür
My room is beautiful
Mənim otağın gözəldir
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Burada ki
The one that is here
I lost their books, but it isn’t important
Onların kitabları itirdim, ancaq vacib deyil