06) - FLO (Family Liaison Officer) Flashcards
Role of the Family Liaison Officer (FLO)
- The day-to-day management of the partnership between the family of the deceased and the Police investigation.
- Must also offer, facilitate and co-ordinate support that addresses the needs of the family.
Of note
- The primary function of an FLO is that of an investigator and not a support person.
Family Liaison Plan
The plan should be recorded and consider:
* selection of the FLO and criteria employed for the selection
* exit plan for the FLO
* objectives of the family liaison
* information to be released to and withheld from, the family
* assessing the most appropriate methods of conducting interviews with family members
* Victim support liaison
* Requests/complaints made by family
The term ‘family’ includes:
- partners, parents, siblings, children, guardians, whänau and any others who have had a direct and close relationship with the victim
- includes ‘chosen’ family
- should reflect the victim’s culture and lifestyle.
Suspect within the family
The OC Investigation must review the plan regularly, which should consider:
- FLO’s welfare and safety
- FLO needs to be clear in their interactions with the family
- FLO not to be used in any search or arrest of a family member
- Investigative or evidential impact of deployment
Disclosure of information to the family
Throughout investigation, the family should be notified of:
- S11 - Programmes, remedies, or services available through Police to the family as victims in their own right
- S12 - Progress of the investigation
- Family’s role as witnesses in the prosecution of the offence
Disclosure of information to the family
Where an offender is arrested, the FLO (in consultation with O/C Investigation) must inform the family of:
- The offender’s release on Bail and what those conditions of bail are
- Charges
- Views on Bail
- Views on Name suppression
- Court Date and location
- Inform family about VNR
Early issues for resolution - during the early stages the FLO must:
- Provide information concerning the death of the victim
- Provide the booklet ‘When someone dies’
- Establish any immediate info/evidence from the family that can be passed to the O/C Investigation
- Protect the family from media intrusion.
Before meeting the family, which should occur as soon as possible, the FLO must:
Familiarise themselves with
* the enquiry
* all information established concerning the family
* available information and intelligence which could impact on the liaison role
Establish what
* contact the family has had with Police since the incident/death
* information has been given to the family
* information concerning the incident is already in the public domain