050.04 Clouds and Fog Flashcards
Fog which reaches only 2 meters above ground or 10 meters above the sea is called (…) fog.
Fog which reaches only 2 meters above ground or 10 meters above the sea is called (shallow) fog.
State for high level clouds the base and top heights and the composition:
State for high level clouds the base and top heights and the composition:
- 16500 - 45000 ft
- Ice crystals
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“About ten identical clouds are in the sky, well isolated from one another, dense, with well defined contours, developing vertically in a cauliflower shape. The side of these clouds lit by the sun is bright white. Their base, relatively dark, is essentially horizontal and at FL30, and their tops at FL150.”
The type of cloud is being described is (towering cumulus).
“About ten identical clouds are in the sky, well isolated from one another, dense, with well defined contours, developing vertically in a cauliflower shape. The side of these clouds lit by the sun is bright white. Their base, relatively dark, is essentially horizontal and at FL30, and their tops at FL150.”
State for low level clouds the base and top heights and the composition:
State for low level clouds the base and top heights and the composition:
- 0 - 6500 ft
- Water droplets, freezing in winter
The vertical extends of steam and radiation fog is 0 ft to (…) ft.
The vertical extends of steam and radiation fog is 0 ft to (500) ft.
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“Clouds in patches, sheets, or grey or whitish layers made up of elements resembling large pebbles or rollers, together or not, and always clear of the ground.”
The type of cloud is being described is (stratocumulus).
“Clouds in patches, sheets, or grey or whitish layers made up of elements resembling large pebbles or rollers, together or not, and always clear of the ground.”
Of the following, the cloud most likely to produce freezing rain is:
- Cumulonimbus
- Nimbostratus
- Stratocumulus
- Stratus
Of the following, the cloud most likely to produce freezing rain is:
- Cumulonimbus
- Nimbostratus
- Stratocumulus
- Stratus
Fog is defined as a cloud formed at or close to the surface of the ground which reduces visibility to (…) m.
Fog is defined as a cloud formed at or close to the surface of the ground which reduces visibility to (below 1000) m.
Haze is defined as a condition when the visibility is reduced by extremely small solid particles suspended in the air (such as smoke, dust or sand). Haze is not repored if the visibility is more than (…) m.
Haze is defined as a condition when the visibility is reduced by extremely small solid particles suspended in the air (such as smoke, dust or sand). Haze is not repored if the visibility is more than (5000) m.
- So HZ not repored ≤ 5000 m -
Mist is basically the same as fog, but it is defined as a visibility between (…) and (…) m.
Mist is basically the same as fog, but it is defined as a visibility (1000) m or more but not more than (5000) m.
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“Cumulonimbus characterised by the presence, mostly in its upper portion, of distinct cirriform parts of clearly fibrous or striated structure, frequently having the form of an anvil, a plume or a vast, more or less disorderly mass of hair. This specie is usually accompanied by a shower, or by a thunderstorm, often with squalls and sometimes with hail; it frequently produces very well defined virga.”
The type of cloud is being described is (capillatus).
“Cumulonimbus characterised by the presence, mostly in its upper portion, of distinct cirriform parts of clearly fibrous or striated structure, frequently having the form of an anvil, a plume or a vast, more or less disorderly mass of hair. This specie is usually accompanied by a shower, or by a thunderstorm, often with squalls and sometimes with hail; it frequently produces very well defined virga.”
Clouds are grouped into (…) basic cloud types (general) and cloud cover is measured in (…).
Clouds are grouped into (10) basic cloud types (general) and cloud cover is measured in (oktas). (4 families, 10 types = ST, SC & AC, AS, NS & CI, CS, CC & CU, CB)
In the situation with high relative humidity, the cloud base is located relatively (high/low) and its top is sitauted where the ELR meets the (DALR/SALR).
In the situation with high relative humidity, the cloud base is located relatively (low) and its top is sitauted where the ELR meets the (SALR).
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“A generally grey cloud layer with fairly uniform base and uniform appearance, which may give drizzle or snow grains. When the sun is visible through the cloud, the outline is clearly discernible. Sometimes it appears in the form of ragged patches.”
The type of cloud is being described is (stratus).
“A generally grey cloud layer with fairly uniform base and uniform appearance, which may give drizzle or snow grains. When the sun is visible through the cloud, the outline is clearly discernible. Sometimes it appears in the form of ragged patches.”
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“Cumulus clouds which are markedly sprouting and are often of great vertical extent; their bulging upper part frequently resembles a cauliflower.”
The type of cloud is being described is (towering cumulus).
“Cumulus clouds which are markedly sprouting and are often of great vertical extent; their bulging upper part frequently resembles a cauliflower.”
State for medium level clouds the base and top heights and the composition:
State for medium level clouds the base and top heights and the composition:
- 6500 - 23000 ft
- Water droplets, ice crystals
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate filaments or white or mostly white patches or narrow bands. These clouds have fibrous (hair-like) appearance, or a silky sheen, or both.”
The type of cloud is being described is (cirrostratus).
“Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate filaments or white or mostly white patches or narrow bands. These clouds have fibrous (hair-like) appearance, or a silky sheen, or both.”
The type of cloud is being described is (…).
“Greyish or bluish cloud sheet or layer of striated, fibrous or uniform appearance, totally or partly covering the sky, and having parts thin enough to reveal the sun at least vaguely, as through ground glass. This genus does not show halo phenomena.”
The type of cloud is being described is (altostratus).
“Greyish or bluish cloud sheet or layer of striated, fibrous or uniform appearance, totally or partly covering the sky, and having parts thin enough to reveal the sun at least vaguely, as through ground glass. This genus does not show halo phenomena.”