04.2_June 28 Flashcards
sit at distance your of head very close of place - 4-4-2-3-2-4-2-4-4-1
zuo4 zai4 li2 ni3 de tou2 te4 bie2 jin4 de di4 fang1
grow big - 3 4
zhang 3 da4
proverb 2-3
su 2 yu3
they (V) the same
tamen (v) yi mou yi yang
pets and their owners very similar 3-4-2-3-2-3-4
chong 3 wu4 he2 zhu3 ren2 hen3 xiang4
privacy 3-1
yin3 si1
journalist 4 3
ji4 zhe3
serious 2-4 - he is one very serious teacher 1-4-2-4-4-2-2-4-3-1
an2 su4 - ta 1 shi4 yi2 ge4 te4 bie2 yan2 su4 de lao3 shi1
strict 2-2 / make a go to germany of visa is a very strict thing 4-2-4-4-2-2-1-4-4-2-4-4-2-2-2-4
yan2 ge2 - ban4 yi2 ge4 qu4 de2 guo2 de qian1 zheng4 shi4 yi2 ge4 te4 bie2 yan2 ge2 de shi4 qing
almost 4/3
cha dian 4-3
not hope - not happen
bu1 xi1 wang4 - mei2 you3 fa1 sheng1
I almost died 3-4-3-3-
wo3 cha4 dian3 si3 le
I almost late 3-4-3-2-4-
wo3 cha4 dian3 chi2 dao4 le
I almost drunk 3-4-3-1-1
wo3 cha4 dian3 he1 duo1 le
I almost overtime 3-4-3-1-1
wo3 cha4 dian3 jia1 ban1