04 The Human Flourishing in terms of Science and Technology Flashcards
It is the study of origin or the Beginning of time.
What Greek words did Cosmogony come from?
Cosmos which means order
Gonos which means offspring
Where was the idea of cosmos rediscovered?
Christian Europe
Who was the proponent of the way of revealing of technology?
Martin Heidegger
In this concept, according to Martin Heidegger, it is better to have different theories and inventions that can help develop the community.
Way of Revealing of Technology
It is a Greek work that means “to discover.”
What does the Greek word “Aletheuein” mean?
To Discover
What is the name of the first telescope invented?
Original Reflecting Telescope
What is the other name for the Original Reflecting Telescope?
Who invented the Newtonian Telescope?
Isaac Newton
What does the acronym NASA stands for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
In what year was the the Newtonian telescope invented?
1668 AD
What is a Newtonian telescope?
A reflecting telescope that uses a single curved main mirror together with a smaller flat mirror instead of a lens.
What does AD stands for?
Anno domini
It is also called as stars or planets
Sky Wanderers
It is the study of different phenomena.
Theoretical Science
Mesopotamians where the first to develop astronomy into theoretical science. True or False?
False. It was the Greeks.
It is the study of planets that orbits around the sun.
Heliocentric View
Who proposed the heliocentric view?
What range of year did the Greeks develop Astronomy?
600 - 130 BCE
In what year did Copernicus proposed the heliocentric view?
1543 AD
Who introduced the Theory of Relativity?
Albert Einstein
What are the 2 dimensions of the Theory of Relativity?
The Law of Physics
The Law of Gravitational Space
In what year did Einstein introduce the Theory of Relativity?
1905 AD
Who proved that galaxies are separate systems?
Edwin Hubble
What did Edwin Hubble proved?
He proved that galaxies are separate systems.
In what year did Edwin Hubble proves that galaxies are separate systems?
1923 AD
What date was the 1st Radio Telescope invented?
Sept 5, 1937
Who invented the 1st Radio Telescope?
Grate Reber
What date did the Russian Sputnik Satellite launch for its first rotation?
Oct 4, 1957
What is the said to be the size of the Russian Sputnik Satellite?
The size of a beachball
Why was the Russian Sputnik Invented?
To prove the origin of space
How long did it take for the Russian Sputnik Satellite to make a complete rotation?
95 minutes
Who were the first people to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
What did the first astronomers brought to the moon?
Bottled Water
A dog’s toy ball
In what year did the astronomers walked on the moon?
1969 AD
What date did the Voyager 1 Spacecraft launch to explore he solar system?
Sept 5, 1977
Who discovered the definitive reflection of exoplanets?
Wolszczan and Frail
Who invented the James Webb Telescope?
James Webb
In what year was the James Webb Telescope invented?
What are the four (4) causes to explain the knowledge of a thing?
Causa Materialis
Causa Formulis
Causa Finalis
Causa Efficiens
What is Enframing?
A combination of nature with the help of technology. It is the different perspectives and ideas of individuals.
Who said “A good life is a happy life?”
Who said that for a person to live, they must acquire their basic needs?
Abraham Maslow
What are the basic needs of a human?
What are the two (2) types of good life?
Private Life
Excludable/Public LIfe
It is a type of personal pursuit in life.
Private Life
It is a type of life where the all members of the society can the the common good.
Excludable Life
What year was the hubble space telescope put into an orbit?
1990 AD
What mission was the first astronomers to walk on the moon part of?
Apollo II Mission
What is the name of the satellite that was used to prove the origin of space?
Russian Sputnik 1
It is a spacecraft launched to explore the outer solar systems.
Voyager 1
It it the planets that are outside the solar system.
It is the largest and latest telescope.
James Webb Telescope
What are the three(3) laws of robotics?
1) May not harm the human
2) Must obey all orders except that it would not conflict with the first Law
3) Must protect its own existence as long as it does not conflict with first and second law
What is the additional law called?
The Zeroth Law