04 Básico Ejercisios Escritos Flashcards
QB4 1. You (tú) were working at the airport programming the computer.
AB4 1. Tú estabas trabajando en el aeropuerto programando la computadora.
QB4 2. She was asking about some pants, a shirt and some shoes at the pretty store.
AB4 2. Ella estaba preguntando sobre unos pantalones, una camisa y unos zapatos en la tienda bonita.
QB4 3. He was talking with the parents about God.
AB4 3. El estaba hablando con los padres sobre Dios.
QB4 4. You (ustedes) were walking without the parents.
AB4 4. Ustedes estaban caminando sin los padres.
QB4 5. I was going to prepare the clothes before Friday.
AB4 5. Yo iba a preparar la ropa antes del viernes.
QB4 6. The girl was going to call the boss.
AB4 6. La muchacha iba a llamar al jefe.
QB4 7. The employees were going to prepare the food in the office.
AB4 7. Los empleados iban a preparar la comida en la oficina.
QB4 8. They were going to sing without the wives at the church.
AB4 8. Ellos iban a cantar sin las esposas en la iglesia.
QB4 9. The parents were going to drive the car to the new store.
AB4 9. Los padres iban a manejar el carro a la tienda nueva.
QB4 10. We were selling telephones in the park.
AB4 10. Nosotros estábamos vendiendo teléfonos en el parque.
QB4 11. Where was the family cooking when I was watching television?
AB4 11. ¿Dónde estaba cocinando la familia cuando yo estaba mirando la televisión?
QB4 12. Where was María eating the chicken on Monday?
AB4 12. ¿Dónde estaba comiendo María el pollo el lunes?
QB4 13. Was Ricardo working at the company from Monday to Friday?
AB4 13. ¿Estaba trabajando Ricardo en la compañía de lunes a viernes?
QB4 14. Were they finishing the coffee?
AB4 14. ¿Estaban terminando ellos el café?
QB4 15. Where was she going to buy the water for the food?
AB4 15. ¿Dónde iba a comprar ella el agua para la comida?