(03) Immune System II Flashcards
(yellow asterik)
(green asterik)
(yellow) paracortex (deep cortex)
(green) cortex (outer cortex)
(both are in lymph nodes)
this area
hilus (lymph node)
(blue arrows)
(red arrows)
(blue) afferent lymphatic duct
(red) efferent lymphatic duct
(both of lymph node)
these areas
medulla (lymph node)
subcapsular sinus (lymph node)
(where the blue cords are pointing)
(where they are)
medullary cords
medullary sinuses
both in lymph node
reticular cells (lymph node)
(whole thing)
(left arrow)
(right arrow)
(what is unique)
pig lymph node
cortex and medulla are flipped
(blue arrows)
capsule (spleen)
purple arrows
trabeculae (spleen)
(red arrows)
(green capsule)
red pulp
white pulp (nodules)
both of spleen
trabecular artery (of spleen)
artery of white pulp
how do these compare in size
artery of red pulp (pulp arterioles)
smaller than artery of white pulp
(blue arrows)
(green circle)
(whole thing)
capillary in cross section
approximate edge of sheath surrounding capillary
sheathed capillary