03 Financial Struckture Flashcards
What kinds of Equity are there?
- Common stock
- Preferred stock
What kinds of Debt are there?
- Subordinated debt
- Ordinary debt
- Secured debt
What are the Mezzanine finances
- Preferred Stock
- Subordinated Debt
How is the MV Debt Ratio Calculated
V_D / (V_E + V_D)
Which factors explain 27% of variation in market leverage
- Industry median leverage
- Tangibility
- Firm Size
- Market-to-book assets ratio
- Expected inflation
What does the Modigliani Miller theorem state?
Capital structure is independent of firm value in perfect capital markets
What are the assumptions of perfect capital markets?
- No taxes
- No cost of bankruptcy
- Perfect information
- No transaction cost for issuing debt and equity
- Investment decision not affected by capital structure
What is the second proposition of Modigliani Miller theorem?
- Return on equity increases in proportion to leverage
- Risk increases too
=> Effect of increased ROEE and increased equity beta cancel
How can you take tax effects into account?
Tax shield
V_L = V_U + T*D
What other risk do high debts hold
financial distress
What are the costs of financial distress?
Direct Costs:
Layers, accountants, consultants, …
Indirect Costs:
loss of business, additional working capital …
What does the trade off theory state?
Optimal capital structure balances tax-shields against costs of financial distress
What are the advantages of the trade off theory?
- Predicts moderate leverage
- Explains industry differences in capital structure
- Corresponds to management behavior
What are the disadvantages of the trade off theory?
- Some successful companies have little debt
- Relation between tax-shield and value is not empirically evident
- Empirically, tax sensitivity of capital structure seems to be too low
For what is FFO/Debt an indicator?
The Ability to repay debt form operating activities