03-Azure Administration Flashcards
What is Resource Manager
Provides consistent management layer
Work with resources in your solution as a group
Deploy, update or delete in a single coordinated operation
Provides security, auditing and tagging features
Choose the tools and APIs that work best for you
Microsoft.compute does what?
Deals with creating virtual machines
single service in Azure
Resource group
logical grouping of resources
Azure Resource Manager template
JSON file allows you to declaratively describe a set of resources
Declarative syntax
What a template uses to state what you intend to create
Resource provide
Service that supplies the resource you can deploy and manage through Resource Manager
Resource Group
Only exist in one resource group
Have resource of many different types from many different regions
Cannot be renamed
Cannot be nested
Deployments are incremental
What are Resource Manager Locks
Associate lock with subscription, resource group, or resource
Locks are inherited by child resources
Read-Only locks prevent any changes to the resource
Delete locks prevent deletion
What resources CANNOT be moved
Azure AD Domain Services
Site Recovery
What Resource groups to remove
Groups and Resources you no longer use
Ensure you will not see unexpected changes
Remove individual resources or remove the resource group
Resource limits
Have default limit, i.e. quota
Helps track current usage, plan for future use
You can open free support case to increase quota
What can you do in Azure Portal
Search resources, service and docs
Manage resources
Create customized dashboards and favorites
Access cloud shell
Receive notifications
What is Azure Cloud Shell
Interactive, browser-accessible shell
Bash or PowerShell
Per-session, per-user basis
Requires resource group, storage account, and Azure File share
Authenticates automatically
Integrated graphical text editor
Assigned one machine per user account
Times out after 20 minutes