02-28 Laboratory Testing in Rheumatology Flashcards
1. Define and understand what immunologic tests in connective tissue diseases are and how they are most appropriately used in diagnosis and management. a. Understand the concept of seronegative vs. seropositive 2. Review and understand the fundamental concepts of diagnostic tests: a. Sensitivity b. Specificity c. Positive and negative predictive value 3. Understand what an antinuclear antibody (ANA) test is: a. Techniques of measurement (1) Fluorescent antinuclear antibody test:
- What is it?
- Disease associations?
- How is it measured?
- Patterns
Antibodies against one of many nuclear proteins
Disease Associations
- SLE - 98% sensitive
- but highly non-specific
How It Is Measured
- old: look for LE cell
- IIF: HEp2 or rodent cells
- ELISA/EIA (enzyme immunoassay): automated, lower personnel costs
Five Patterns (see cocktail glass)
- diffuse - useless
- ** Peripheral** - due to Abs to either sDNA or dsDNA
- dsDNA is specific for SLE
- Speckled - ENA (extractable nuc. abs)
- can be purified out for further testing
- anti-centromere - specific for limitied scleroderma (CREST)
- nucleolar - systemic sclerosis or SLE
ENA is a reflex panel done to follow-up on strongly positive ANA.
- What is it?
- Disease associations?
- How is it measured?
It’s an IgM against Fc region of other Igs
Associate with everything under the sun
Measured by agglutination to latex particles coated w/ human IgG
- 1:80 is positive cut-off
- also get
OBJECTIVE: Appropriate use of “tests of inflamm” (i.e. ESR and CRP)
- Normal values based on age & sex
- ♂ upper limit of normal is age/2
- ♀ (age + 10)/2
- seriously high if > 100; DDx
- Malignancy
- Inflammatory rheumatic disease
- Infection
- Renal disease
- Less than 5% will have no explained cause
- Used to monitor RA, vasculitis, etc.
- If wicked high and ESR equivocal, think infection
- Named for reactivity to pneumococcal c-polysaccharide
- More expensive to get than ESR
ACPA as sensitive and is more specific for RA than RF
RF increases w/ age is elevated by myriad conditions
OBJECTIVE: Review sensitivity and specificity (negative in health, positive in disease, Spin, Snout)
- Sensitivity => PID (positive in disease)
- Specificity => NIH (negative in health)
- S(P)in: when a specific test is positive you rule in a disease
- S(N)out: when a sensitive test is negative you rule out a dz
OBJECTIVE: Concept of seropositivity and seronegativity
PPV equation
TP/all positives
TN/all negatives
Modifiable risk factors that increase the amount of citrullinated proteins.
- smoking
- P. gingivitis
Anti-Sm is specific for
SLE, also good prognostic sign that pt will have milder dz
small nuclear cytoplasmic antibody
Anti-DNA topoisomeraes (Scl-70) is specific for?
Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis
- Worse prognosis than w/ Anti-Centromere
- more renal dz, ILD etc
Anti-tRNA synthase is specific for?
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis 90% specific
a.k.a. PR3 ANCA
< specific than cANCA
- seen in microscopic polyarteritis, but also many others
- a.k.a. MPO ANCA
Ro Abs and preg
can cross placenta and cause congenital heart block