01a: Ant Pit Flashcards
Disruption of hypothalamus connection/blood supply to anterior pituitary will cause hypersecretion of (X) ant pit hormone. Why?
X = prolactin
Normally under inhibitory regulation by DA from hypothalamus
List some intrinsic hypothalamic peptides that, if increased, will also cause hyperprolactinemia.
TRH (ex: hypothyroidism) and VIP (ex: breast stimulation)
Prolactin levels greater than (X) value is always from (Y) cause.
X = 250 ng/mL Y = prolactinoma
Most common pituitary adenoma
Clinical symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in women
- Galactorrhea (30-80%)
- Amenorrhea
- Infertility
- Hirsutism
- Osteoporosis
Clinical symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in men
- Galactorrhea (under 10%)
- Impotence
- Hypogonadism
- Mass effects (visual, eye muscles, HA)
Prolactin adenomas can be medically treated with:
DA agonists
Bromocriptine or Cabergoline
T/F: DA agonists treat prolactinomas by inhibiting prolactin synthesis/secretion, but don’t treat mass effects of tumor.
False - also cause reduction in tumor size
T/F: Surgical success and tumor recurrence rates are both low for prolactin microadenomas.
False - both high (over 70% success, 50% recurrence over 5y)
T/F: Both pituitary micro- and macro-adenomas have high surgical success rates.
False - macroadenomas difficult to cure with surgery (success about 30%)
Which two opposing peptides regulate GH secretion?
Stim: GHRH
Inhib: Somatostatin
GH is secreted in (constant/pulsatile) fashion. List some states/molecules that stimulate its secretion.
Pulsatile (and more secreted at night);
Hypoglycemia, exercise, stress, AA
Actions of GH are primarily due to its (direct/indirect) effect on tissues.
Indirect (via secretion of IGF-1/somatomedin C)
T/F: Unlike GH and its pulsatile secretion, IGF-1 level is constant.
T/F: Nighttime GH levels in normal person can spike as high as the levels seen in acromegaly patient.
True - but acromegaly patients lose normal pulsatile rhythm of GH
(Hyper/hypo)-secretion of (X) causes gigantism in kids and acromegaly in adults.
X = GH
Acromegaly, if left untreated, can lead to which devastating complications?
- CV disease (HT, cardiomyopathy)
- Cancers (colon)
- Resp impairment (sleep apnea)
- Skeletal overgrowth/deformity; arthralgias
Diagnosis of acromegaly confirmed by:
Administering glucose load and demonstrating that GH secretion is not suppressed (below 2 ng/mL)
Majority of acromegaly patients have (micro/macro)-adenomas. How are these patients treated?
Macroadenomas (due to insidious nature of disease);
Meds (surg/radiation have low success rate for macroadenomas)
Unlike true Cushing’s, pseudo-Cushing’s has preserved:
Circadian rhythm control of cortisol
Treatment of Cushing’s disease - which, by definition, is due to (X) - is primarily via (Y).
X = pit adenoma (ACTH-secreting) Y = surg (most are microadenomas)
If the first-line Rx option for Cushing’s disease doesn’t provide cure, what are other options?
- Radiation/gamma knife therapy
- Med therapy
(first-line = surg)
Inferior pituitary growth into (X) structure results in which key symptom?
X = sphenoid sinus
Nasal discharge of CSF
Superior pituitary growth into (X) structure results in which key symptom?
X = hypothalamus
Hormonal imbalances
Lateral pituitary growth into (X) structure results in which key symptom?
X = cavernous sinus
Eye movement issues/diplopia
(X) adrenal mass lights up bright white on T2 weighted images due to (high/low) (Y).
X = pheo
Y = catecholamines
The DIRECT cause of osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children is (low/high) levels of (X).
X = serum phosphate (so low Ca-P and poor bone mineralization)
Any chronic granulomatous disease, like Sarcoidosis, can result in high serum and urine (X).
X = Ca
Macrophages have active 1a hydroxylase
(X) are the most numerous anterior pituitary cell types
X = somatotrophs
Pheochromocytomas can occur at (X) landmark of the aorta, where (Y) chromaffin body is located
X = bifurcation (into common iliacs) Y = Organ of Zuckerkandl
Traid of precocious puberty, cystic bone lesions, and unilateral café-au-lait spotting
McCune-Albright Syndrome