01 Head and Neck Flashcards
Embryological structure which consists of pharyngeal grooves, pharyngeal arches, and pharyngeal pouches?
Branchial apparatus
Branchial apparatus?
Cartilage: Meckel cartilage, incus, malleus, sphenomandibular ligament, lingula of mandible
Artery: maxillary artery
Nerve: trigeminal nerve
Muscle: muscles of mastication, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid, tensor tympani, tensor palatini
Pouch: pharyngotympanic tube
Branchial apparatus?
Cartilage: Reichert cartilage, stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser cornu, part of body of hyoid bone
Artery: stapedial artery
Nerve: facial nerve
Muscle: muscles of facial expression, stapedius muscle, stylohyoid muscle, posterior belly of digastric
Pouch: tonsils
Branchial apparatus?
Cartilage: greater cornu, part of body of hyoid bone
Artery: internal carotid artery
Nerve: glossopharyngeal nerve
Muscle: stylopharyngeus muscle
Pouch: thymus, inferior parathyroid gland
Branchial apparatus?
Cartilage: laryngeal cartilages
Artery: aortic arch, subclavian artery
Nerve: vagus nerve (superior laryngeal branch)
Muscle: cricothyroid, levator palatini, constrictors of the pharynx
Pouch: superior parathyroid gland
Branchial apparatus?
Pouch: ultimobranchial body
Branchial apparatus?
Cartilage: cricoid cartilage, arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform
Artery: right and left pulmonary artery
Nerve: vagus nerve (recurrent laryngeal branch)
Muscle: intrinsic muscles of the larynx
Superior: hard palate
Inferior: portion of the tongue anterior to sulcus terminalis
Anterior: vermillion border of the lips
Posterior: anterior tonsillar pillars, junction of the hard and soft palate, circumvallate papillae
Oral cavity
Superior: skull base
Inferior: plane of the hard and soft palate
Lateral: torus tobarius, Eustachian tube, Rosenmuller fossa
Anterior: posterior nasal septum, choanae
Posterior: adenoids
Superior: hard palate – soft palate junction
Inferior: hyoid bone – vallecula
Superior: hyoid bone – vallecula
Inferior: lower border of cricoid cartilage
Subsite of larynx?
Epiglottis, false cords, ventricles, aryepiglottic folds, arytenoids
Subsite of larynx?
True vocal cords, anterior and posterior commisures
Subsite of larynx?
Begins 10mm below the level of the free margin of the vocal cords, inferior edge of cricoid cartilage
Deep neck space?
Superior: base of the skull
Inferior: greater cornu of the hyoid bone
Medial: fascia of the tensor veli palatini and medial pterygoid muscles, pharyngobasilar fascia, superior constrictor muscle
Lateral: medial pterygoid muscle, mandible, deep lobe of the parotid gland, small portion of the digastric muscle posteriorly
Anterior: pterygomandibular raphe
Posterior: prevertebral fascia
Parapharyngeal space
Parapharyngeal space compartment?
Minor salivary glands, parotid gland (deep lobe), lymphatic tissue, internal maxillary artery, ascending pharyngeal artery, venous plexus, branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
Prestyloid compartment
Parapharyngeal space compartment?
Carotid artery, internal jugular vein, cranial nerves IX, X, XI, XII, cervical symphatetic chain
Poststyloid compartment
Deep neck space? Superior: base of the skull Inferior: superior mediastinum (T4) Lateral: carotid sheath Anterior: buccopharyngeal fascia Posterior: alar fascia Contents: retropharyngeal nodes
Retropharyngeal space
Potential space behind the retropharyngeal space where infections can easily spread down to the thorax?
Danger (alar) space
Deep neck space? Superior: base of the skull Inferior: diaphragm Anterior: alar fascia Posterior: prevertebral fascia
Danger space
Triangle of the neck?
Superior: body of mandible
Posterior: sternocleidomastoid muscle
Anterior: midline
Anterior cervical triangle