01 - Flash Cards
Computer Architecture
- Engineering branch primarily involved in designing and developing computer systems.
- Hardware refers to physical/tangible components of a computer.
- It is a chip or set of chips that dictates and integrates all the major computer functions.
Name Execution Types
- Multitasking
- Multicore
- Multiprocessing
- Multiprogramming
- Multithreading
- Performing two or more tasks at the same time.
- Term used for today’s CPUs as their chips have multiple cores that work at the same time.
- In computing, multiprocessing refers to the use of multiple CPUs in order to generate more power and perform multiple operations.
What is Symmetric Multiprocessing?
- Several processors within a single computer are sharing the same operative system.
What is Massively Parallel Processing?
- Processing that involves hundreds of processors using their own operating systems.
- It is a rather obsolete form of parallel processing that uses a single processor to perform multiple tasks at the same time.
- Since there is only one processor, execution of these tasks is pseudo simultaneous.
- In computing, it is a term that refers to several simultaneous tasks to be performed in a single process.
Single State System
- System that processes only one security level at a given time.
Multistate System
- System that processes several security levels at the same time.
List Protection Mechanisms
- Protection Rings
- Operational State
- Security Mode
Protection Rings
- Method by which code and operating system components are organized in concentric rings in order to separate levels of interaction and protect data.
- The highest privilege is within the innermost ring.
Process States
- In computing it is a term that refers to different forms of operation in which processes are run and executed.
List All The Possible States for A Running Process
- Ready State
- Waiting State
- Running State
- Supervisory State
- Stopped
Ready State
- Process is ready to continue or begin.
Waiting State
- Process is halted due to an external condition.
Running State
- CPU is executing the process.
Supervisory State
- State to be used when the process in order to ru requires higher privilege than its current.
Stopped State
- Terminated process due to finishing the task or lacking the needed resources.
Security Modes
- Modes created by the US government for processing classified data.
Name Four Security Modes
- Dedicated Mode
- System High Mode
- Compartmented Mode
- Multilevel Mode
What are the Two Operating Modes?
- User Mode
- Privileged Mode
User Mode
- Basic mode for CPU operations in which only one part of the whole set of instructions is being run.
- This mode is designed to minimize potential accidental damage that can be created.
Privileged Mode
- Basic mode for CPU operations in which the whole set of instructions is being run.
- Collection of all data computer needs to keep in store.
Read-Only Memory (ROM)
- Type of computer memory that cannot be modified.
Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM)
- Similar to ROM, but the program is not “burned in” rather it allows the final user to burn in the content later after which the content cannot be changed.
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- It is a programmable read only memory programmable ROM that can be erased and reused.
Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
- It is a programmable read only memory programmable ROM that can be erased by using electric voltage.
Flash Memory
- Memory that can be erased electronically and subsequently rewritten.
Random Access Memory
- It is a form of computer data storage that stores data and machine code currently being used.
Real Memory
- Largest RAM storage.
Cache RAM
- Cache RAM is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data that are more likely to frequently used.
Dynamic RAM
- It is a type of random access memory that stores each bit of data in a separate tiny capacitor that is contained within a circuit.
Static RAM
- It is a type of random access memory that stores each bit using a flip flop device that represents a switch to be positioned from 1 to 0 or vice versa.
- Limited CPU memory required for arithmetic-logical unit to operate.
Memory Addressing
- Assigning memory address so that particular locations are easier to access.
Register Addressing
- Assigning register address so that particular locations are easier to access..
Immediate Addressing
- A way to refer to data while being provided to CPU in the form of instructions.
Direct Addressing
- Supplying CPU with an actual memory location address.
Secondary Memory
- Term that refers to memory storage on devices other than the CPU.
Data Storage Devices
- Devices that store data that can be used on a computer.
Primary Storage
- It essentially refers to RAM
Secondary Storage
- Term that refers to memory storage on devices other than the CPU such as flash drives,CDs, DVDs.
Volatile Storage
- Data storage devices created to lose the data like RAM.
Nonvolatile Storage
- Data storage devices created to retain the data.
Random Access Storage Devices
- Devices that let an operating system access the data stored at any point within the system.
Sequential Storage Devices
- Devices that do not let an operating system access the data stored at any point within the system but rather all the data need to be processed until the desired point.
Secondary Devices Storage Media Security Issues
- Data may remain on a secondary device even after being erased
- Secondary storage devices are prone to theft
- Access can be fairly easy for some devices
Monitor Security
- Security of the data displayed on a monitor can be compromised by technologies such as TEMPEST.
Printer Security
- Shared printers can lead to security problems as printout often may be forgotten.
Keyboards/Mice Security
- Devices can be put into keyboards so that they record keystrokes and transmit them to a receiver.
Modems Security
- There are numerous way by which unauthorized users can create access to a modem.
- Permanent software programmed into a read-only memory.
- Basic input/output system is a type of firmware microprocessor uses to get the computer system upon the computer is turned on.
- Unified Extensible Firmware Interface is a software interface between an operating system and hardware and it is expected to replace BIOS.
- Small programs that work independently from their server.
Name Two Applet Types
- Java Applets
- ActiveX Controls
Local Caches
- Temporary stored information of a particular client.
Data Flow Control
- Monitoring data transfer between processes, devices, and networks.
- Combination of data records in order to gather more useful information.
- Combination of nonsensitive data records in order to gather more useful information and get access to more sensitive information.
Data Mining
- Analysing large databases in order to find certain correlations.
- A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.
Data Analytics
- Examining large sets of data in order to extract useful information.
Parallel Data Systems
- Computing systems that perform a great number of operations simultaneously.
List Two Types of Parallel Data Processing
- Symmetric
- Asymmetric
Host-Terminal Model
- Model where all functions and data are contained within one centralized system and users are physically distributed.
Client-Server Models
- Model where users operate independent computers but can access resources on networks servers.
Cloud Computing
- Type of computing that uses a network of remote servers on the Internet to store, manage, and process data instead of a local server.
- Is a virtual machine monitor (VMM) that creates and runs virtual machines.
Private Cloud
- Cloud within an organization’s network that is separated from the internet.
Public Cloud
- Cloud available to the general public on internet.
Hybrid Cloud
Combination of private and public clouds.
Community Cloud
- Cloud shared by a group of users or organizations.
Grid Computing
- It is a computer network with a central management system in which each computer’s resources are shared with every other computer in the system.
Peer to Peer Technologies
- Concept similar to grid computing, as the workload is shared among users.
- However, there is no central management system.
The Internet of Things
- Concept that refers to interconnection computing devices embedded in everyday objects/appliances, enabling them to send and receive data over the internet.
Industrial Control System
- Devices that manage industrial machines and processes.
- Characters that have a special meaning in programming that regular characters do not have.
Directory Traversal
- Type of an attack that allows an attacker to access any part of the file/system once it is in a root directory.
Command Injection
- It is a type of an attack in which the goal is execution of commands on the host operating system through a vulnerable application.
Device Security
- Wide range of security features available on a mobile device.
Remote Wiping
- In the context of security, it is the ability to delete data on a device remotely in case the device is stolen.
- Device gets locked out in case the user fails to provide correct authorized credentials after several attempts.
Screen Locks
- Layer of security that prevents someone of just picking up the device and accessing its contents.
What Does GPS Stand For?
- Global Positioning System
Application Control
- Device management option that restricts applications that can be installed on a device.
Storage Segmentation
- Artificial groping of data stored on a medium.
Asset Tracking
- Management option used to track resources/inventory. Can be either active or passive.
Inventory Control
- It is a set of hardware and software based tools that automate the process of tracking inventory.
Mobile Device Management
- It is a term used to describe management of all mobile devices organization’s employees are using to access its resources.
Device Access Control
- Term that encompasses passwords and storage encryption.
Removable Storage
- Storage devices that can be physically removed from a mobile device such as a microSD card.
List Ways in Which Application Security is Ensured
- Key Management
- Credential Management
- Authentication
- Geotagging
- Encryption
- Application Whistling
- GPS on a mobile device allows for tagging of photos so one has to be aware of potential security issues due to this feature.
Application Whistling
- It is a security option also known as deny by default as it blocks unauthorized application form operating on a mobile device.
What Does BYOD Stand For?
- Bring Your Own Device.
- It refers to employees using their own devices to connect to organization’s network.
What Does COPE Stand For?
- Company-owned, personally enabled devices.
What Does CYOD Stand For?
- Choose your own device
Antivirus Management
- Policy that dictates whether mobile antivirus programs can be installed on a mobile devices and which ones.
Mobile Device On-boarding
- Installing all the security and management applications through secure settings.
Mobile Device Off-boarding
- Removal of all the business related data from a mobile device.
Embedded System
- Computer embedded in greater computer system
Static System
- Refers to a static environment, static conditions that do not change. It is a system that is to stay unaltered by the administrators and users.
Network Segmentation
- Network is isolated from all outside communications so communication happens only within segmented network users.
When are Security Layers Used?
- They are when data that is being used belong to different classification levels
Application Firewall
- It is a system filter that defines a set of communication rules for all the users.
Network Firewall
- Device used for network filtering.
- It is program used provide a layer of security to computer services and determine whether the service is authorized to execute..
Five Types of Technical Mechanisms
- Layering
- Abstraction
- Data Hiding
- Process Isolation
- Hardware Segmentation
List Policy Mechanisms
- Principle of Least Privilege
- Separation of Privilege
- Accountability
Covert Channels
- Paths that are not normally used in communication
List Two Types of Cover Channels
- Covert Timing Channels
- Covert Storage Channel
Overt Channels
- Known and expected channel of communication.
Trusted Recovery
- System that ensures that all security controls remain intact in case of an attack.
Maintenance Hooks
- Entrance points into a system with which only developer is familiar with.
Incremental Attacks
- Security attacks that happen in a gradual fashion.
Data Diddling
- Attacker enter a system and makes small gradual changes.
Salami Attacks
- Salami attack refers to small attacks add up to one major attack that can go undetected.