01. CRM Definition Flashcards
What is the biggest revenue-driver for a company?
Why is CRM important?
- How you treat your customers goes a long way to determining your future profitability.
- Customers are smarter about the service they should be getting and are voting with their wallets.
What is the currency of success in the 21st century marketplace?
Customer information
Which power shift is wel underway?
Power shift from producer to customer.
How is the new power shift made possible?
- By the capability to use the Internet to learn about individual buying patterns
- to customize offerings that delight the customer.
What is the competitive advantage of the Information Age and is the bottom-line for market leadership?
Successful customer relationship management
What is CRM about?
It’s about giving customers what they want, when, where, and how they want it.
What is the ultimate prize of the 21st century business?
Owning the customer
How will Internet Age companies position themselves?
- Instead of owning the product and pushing it to market segments,
- Internet Age companies will seek to position themselves directly in the path of empowered customers
Who holds the power?
The informed customer holds the power in the marketplace, determining what is to be made, when, where and at what cost.
What does a customer want?
- Customers want complete care throughout the consumption life cycle, not just the buying transaction.
- They demand the best deal, the best service and solution-centered support.
What is mass customization about?
It is about turning a company, and its entire value chain, over to the command and control of the customer.
What’s the difference between the Industrial Age & the Customer Age?
- The Industrial Age was about mass production,
- The Customer Age is about mass customization.
Customer relationship management is…
- a business strategy to select and manage
- the most valuable customer relationships.
How is CRM achieved?
By putting the customer in control by providing self-service and solution-centered support.